Shopping Spree

A good way to recurse this card is to play with Mutant Education and Disguise. In that way, you can exhaust your hero with disguise to complete the side quest, then play mutant education to shuffle it back into your deck, then add it into your hand with Jubilee alter-ego power, then play it again

A plus is to have a Skilled Investigator in play to additionaly draw a card. And ice on the cake, Moira MacTaggert can also make you draw an additional card when you go back into hero form.

krys619 · 5
#Skilled Investigator features a Hero Reaction, so this would work only in Multiplayer — sn0wball · 49
Tkx for your feed-back. My bad to still make this kind of mistake — krys619 · 5
This doesn't work because Disguise is an upgrade and upgrades are "considered to be an extension of the controlling player's identity... thwarts that resolve on upgrades in play are also considered to be resolved by that player's identity." (see: Upgrade definition). You can use supports on it like Beat Cop or Surveillance Team though. — Neokarasu · 102
@Neokarasu It actually works, because the player's identity will be "alter-ego" while Disguise, not hero or ally. — Onsentape · 1

Similar to Hit and Run

I like this card in Gamora. She struggles with survivability and this card sorta fills that void. I usually run Hit and Run so having its benefit with sometimes a bit of healing is nice.

  • With the resource I might run this in a hulk deck.
Tendiest · 61
Operative Skill

Slightly better with the release of Three Steps Ahead

I still believe that this won't make this card much better than just running a S.H.I.E.L.D deck with Surveillance Team and Monica Chang. The "Max 1 per player" doesn't help this card in the slightest, it comes with a condition, and it doesn't go through Crisis because it's a thwart. The limited support for this card doesn't make it an easy choice to include in a deck either. The different resources between the two changes little.

I would either like this card to be cheaper or not come with counters. This card should not have to compete with Heroic Intuition when there are cards that like Brains Over Brawn, Mutant Peacekeepers, True Grit, and Push Ahead that do make use of the characters thwarting stat. I'd wish for more support for both cards in the future.

Edit: I also wish that we would get more upgrade synergy cards. The difference between a support and an upgrade is almost none besides thematics

Tendiest · 61
Like the other reviewer mentioned, the extra point of threat removal from this card can help trigger the extra effects of actions on cards, like the confuse from Creole Charmer or card draw from Clear the Area. — erikw1984 · 7
Also, the difference between upgrades and supports is that upgrades are considered part of your identity whereas supports are not. That matters for interactions that depend on “you” doing something — erikw1984 · 7
Make the Call

I've been using this in my Ironheart recursing Beast deck and I really think it's a severely underrated card. It's so versatile and lets you continuously use your best allies. Truly great card. I feel like all leadership decks that revolve around using one or two allies a lot should use this.

BoardGameKid · 95
All due respect, who do you feel is underrating this card? It is one of the strongest cards in the game. Not all decks build for power level necessarily, which is why you might be seeing it left out of some decks — Stretch22 · 559