Won't Stay Down

This is a fair card, but it compares poorly to Make the Call, admittedly one of the best non-hero cards in the game. There are two theoretical advantages. One is that you can activate abilities of allies that only trigger when played from hand such as Beak and Shadowcat. Another is that this is a support which can sit in play until the perfect moment - something that is always an advantage of upgrades/supports compared to events with similar effects. Neither of these points would lead me to play copies of Won't Stay Down over Make the Call, but if I'm already playing 3 Make the Call, ally recursion is a strong enough effect to play a copy or two - finding Professor X or M at the perfect moment, for example. Sunspot is another interesting ally who is one of few payoffs for a -based deck and only gets his ability when played from hand. Won't Stay Down doesn't have an energy resource, which might be a deal-breaker for the strategy, but this deck would theoretically want to play Sunspot as many times as possible.

Stretch22 · 829
I should mention Cyclops gets better options for allies that only trigger from hand since you aren't limited to Leadership and Basic. Sunfire, Magik, and Karma are all excellent examples — Stretch22 · 829
Team Investigation

This is not a dead card. It clears almost all player side schemes in the game. And it scales to multiplayer. In a multiplayer game you can play Build Support or Superpower Training and on the same turn clear it allowing everyone to tutor out a powerful support/identity upgrade. For perspective the equivalent would be like if every player in that game had a For Justice in hand and played it as a request action.

I think in solo this card is a weaker For Justice because it lacks the bonus +1 opportunity but if you are really needing extra THW like in a Sinister Six matchup and have already slotted in x3 For Justice, it isn’t the worst thing in the world.

jodys · 2

5 years later and this card has no reviews. WHAT????? let's see He costs 5 ER 2 on both thw and atk.
Assuming all three are treachery you get 3 thw. that's means you get 0-3 Thw when played. Then 2
and next phase 2* then a block for 5 resources. He is easily one of the worse costed cards for effect in leadership. I would chose Captain Marvel ally over him any deck for the same traits.

ZaneBrick · 91
On the other hand, being able to peak at the top 3 encounter cards can be very handy and affect how you might want to play that phase. It's difficult to measure the value of something like that. — erikw1984 · 29
True- so that really puts it at average for price. — ZaneBrick · 91
Judoka Skill

Limited by only working when you defend - i.e. you can't use it to reduce damage from an attack you facetank without defending. This makes it best with heroes who have little or no opportunity cost in defending: Quicksilver (who can basic-defend then ready with his Super Speed ability), Nightcrawler (who can defend without exhausting thanks to Bamf!), and Domino (who can go into defend state when attacked by a villain or villainous minion with Lucky and Good).

Letterdenma · 123

A great versatile persona and strong identity, with original and fun scrying mechanism (Magik's ability + Limbo, is reminiscent of LOTR's Gandalf + Wizard's Pipe), and a lot of events and upgrades against the most problems : thwart, attack, defense, steady, retaliate, piercing, cards recursiveness and so on. The game style is subtle and call thinking at the table. Great in multiplayer and in true solo, in all aspects. I personally have a preference for Magik in Protection.

Troglo · 9