Spiritual Meditation

If you have a mystic identity this card is worth considering. It is has an effective cost of two cards (Played Card + Discard Card) for the benefit of drawing two cards. Because the discard is after the draw phase, it will allow you to cycle and keep cards you want in your hand.

Another interesting addition is that this an "Action" card. This means you could play it in either alter-ego or ego

SDx · 2
Aggressive Energy

Others have touched on the value this card provides as free chip damage (in some cases buffing damage to dealt to multiple targets). I also think it’s fairly valuable in a minion killing deck with cards like Into the Fray and No Quarter. In addition to providing extra damage, any excess damage gets converted into either threat removal or card draw both of which are more generally more valuable than damage itself.

Blood Rage

TLDR: Turns HP/Recovery value into card draw over course of game. A must include depending on player count and hero.

Generally anything relying on Minions or Side Schemes is going to become better with increased player count, especially minions since their HP doesn’t scale. At 1 player this card is a maybe include for minion heavy scenarios. At two players it’s a must include for minion heavy scenarios (on specific heroes). At 3-4 it becomes viable across most scenarios based on minion frequency. This card is going to feel particularly good on Heroes like Hulk, She-Hulk, or Wolverine. Really anyone witha high health pool and/or recovery that likes to basic attack. She-Hulk really enjoys flipping down frequently and this gives her another reason. Venom also has an above average recovery stat and Project Rebirth to encourage flipping down. His Pistols and Run and Gun encourage basic attacking.

Godlike Stamina

I am primarily a Thor player, but after collecting enough of the game, I stopped using it it due to overlooking the status clear on this for too long. Played with this against Juggernaut and while other cards did a lot of heavy lifting, this was a such a life saver against the Creeping Willows.

Leading Blow

I love to use this card as a combo-extender for Repurpose decks. There have been a couple late game scenarios where I've managed to draw 3 Repurpose and 2 Leading Blow ultimately resulting in 9 damage (minus boost icons) per Leading Blow. I go back and forth on including it in Iron Man decks due to it only being playable late game, but it's also a yellow resource which help Repulsor Blast ratios.