Symbiote Suit

Easily one of the best cards in the game. Sorcerer Supreme is 2 cost with a total of 4 playable heroes and +1 hand size. Endurance gives +3 health for 1 cost. So 3 Endurance gives 9 health, sorcerer supreme +1 card, for 5 cost so you add +1 to all powers and a additional health and no restriction for one encounter per phase. Definitely the best upgrade in game.

ZaneBrick · 91
Hawkeye's Quiver

There are some heroes that play completely differently while they have a card from their kit in play vs not in play. Hawkeye with Hawkeye's Quiver is a prime example. Hawkeye's main problem lies in the fact that his Arrow events are what make him good, but his hero ability does nothing other than help you play your Arrow events, so his power level is up to the luck of the draw even more than most heroes. If you don't draw any Arrow events, then you might as well be playing with a blank identity; and if you draw too many of them, you'll just be spending them to pay for each other. But Hawkeye's Quiver solves both of those problems at once: you get to look for an Arrow event every turn you're in hero form, and you get to hang onto them separately from your hand for as long as you need until you play them. Overall a 100% high priority card to get into play any time you see it in your hand.


For a 4-cost in Marvel Champions we except something extra. Banshee is standard ally (3 cost, 3 health, 2THW and 2ATK) and the bonus to confuse a minion when thwarts. There is also a little bonus for being a Aerial character and the X-Men. This Justice ally can be played in any deck without requirments.

But... is this is worth almost full hand? I don't think so. Confusing minion (especially in solo) is not that great. Don't get me wrong this is effect that can be played immidetialy without any other cards in play. We got more dangerous minion, but still I don't see Banshee to be effiective in majority of decks.

Rating (A-C) B- Banshee is not the top ally in any meaning, but there is small chance that one visit in alter-ego can help to take a final strike next turn and freeze a big minion.

nosiak · 69