
Aerial. Tactic.

Cost: 2.

Hero Action: Choose up to X enemies, where X is equal to the number of aerial characters you control → deal 3 damage to each chosen enemy.

Star-Lord(스타로드) #14.
Air Supremacy

I made a deck with Spectrum revolving around this card. I took a bunch of allies that had Aerial: Falcon, Adam Warlock, (Spectrum has Blue Marvel). Then two Avengers with 3 Sky Cycles to give them Aerial and a ready. The first time I used this deck, I had Cassie Hawkeye (because she was cheap) and White Tiger. I later traded Hawkeye out for Vision because he can use the ready from Sky Cycle to his advantage or you can use Kaluu for his event tutor (Spectrum loves that). For flavor purposes, I ran Quinjet to get the higher costed allies out faster or when the time was right. People hate Quinjet but with my luck, I never have the high cost allies in my hand at the right time so they basically pay for themselves over time if I want. Team Training to go with that too makes everyone have an extra activation. If Adam Warlock is not on the field, Mighty Avengers can kick in. I had a bunch more to add but off the top of my head I don't remember what else was in it.

I played against a few villains that are known to have higher HP minions like Zola, Thanos, and Klaw. Honestly, it worked out really well. Since you don't have to exhaust any of the Aerial characters to deal the damage, in a certain sense, its basically a free attack activation for them. So if I had all 3 aerial allies on the field, if you include Spectrum, you can deal 3 damage to each enemy on top of whatever else you do that turn. I found it really fun, thematic, and pretty effective against these villains. I'm sure you can get good use out of this card if you build for it, however, the build will kind of revolve around fighting minions with higher hp than 2, so a lot of funky modular sets can be swapped in to try and brute force it into being useful.

Nomad · 135
Depending on player count, you may not need that many characters to be aerial. There's rarely more than a couple of minions in play if you are only playing 1- or 2-player. Try pairing with Strength in Numbers rather than Quinjet to pay for more high-cost cards. Spectrum always loves card draw. — adsarf · 516

With 2 aerial characters, this hits the 2 dmg/resource mark that we typically use to judge attack events. Having 1 is close to unplayable, but not completely dead (Haymaker), and having 3 is insane. You need 3 different targets, so this is best in multiplayer games with plenty of minions in the encounter deck. You also need aerial allies.

The current list of allies with the aerial trait is: Adam Warlock, Falcon, Wasp, Starhawk, and Star-Lord's and Ant-Man's signature allies, Nova Prime and Wasp. The non-leadership allies can possibly be brought under your control with Make the Call in a multiplayer game, or using Spiderwoman. The upcoming Captain Marvel ally in War Machine's pack is also aerial, and Sky Cycle can turn any ally Avenger ally aerial (though I wouldn't play the card just for that effect). The easiest heroes to make aerial are (copy/pasted from the Ever Vigilant review): Dr Strange, Wasp, Captain Marvel, Rocket, Star Lord, Iron Man, Thor, and Spider-Woman.

I think this is too situational for my tastes - I want to make sure I can use my full hand every turn of the game to good effect, but possibly doing 9 damage for 3 resources is something worth building around and I am curious to try.

Edit: there are tons of Aerial minions now that make this card a better option. You can search by trait on the Cards page

Stretch22 · 939
I think the good thing about this card is it's a catch up card. If things are not too good and you're overrun with minions this cleans a lot of them up and puts you back on track. A lot of other cards are win more cards and don't help when you need it most. — Fates · 4