J.A.R.V.I.S. (Just A Rather Very Intelligent System)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

journeyman2 · 20973


-3 Adrenaline Rush -> +3 Desperate Defense

-1 Side Step -> +1 Nerves of Steel


I'm just going to say, this is probably a dumb idea and you shouldn't play this. That being said, if you're weird like me and enjoy playing heroes in unique ways, then welcome aboard.


Unlike Iron Man Justice who stays down and thwarts while building the suit, or Iron Man Aggression who excels with Hulk and getting some damage going outside the suit, Iron Man Protection is about getting as much tech out as possible on turn 1, flipping up and never flipping down to stop scheming in its tracks. Running a full 13 tech, we have roughly an 89% probability of drawing 3 assuming a full 6 card mulligan and Futurist. Of course the real number is a little lower, because it doesn't account for duplicate Electrostatic Armor, but this demonstrates the idea here. We're running a low curve here because sometimes you'll play a 2-card hand :)

First Turn and General Strategy:

The idea here is to run x3 Energy Barrier and x3 Electrostatic Armor to maximize the possibility of being able to get 3 tech cards on turn 1. This brings the tech to 13: One costs 3, six cost 2, and six cost 1. If you mulligan hard, your best turn looks like:

Energy Barrier, Rocket Boots, Electrostatic Armor, Mark V Helmet, Double Resource, anything else. Use futurist to draw 1. Double resource to bring out Energy Barrier, play two 1-cost tech, flip up and hold onto the last tech card. Second turn is a four card hand, play tech you held onto while using Energy Barrier to stay alive. Defend for 1 each round, use Arc Reactor to ready and THW. Late game play Adrenaline Rush and use Arc Reactor for an 8-damage swing. Just another cheap option alongside the typical Iron Man damage suite since this Iron Man will want to get to the damage ASAP. Low key, Electrostatic Armor is great at removing tough, especially if it came out as a boost effect. We run three, not because we can play them all (max 1 at a time), but because we HAVE to see one on turn 1 and it is more permanent than Energy Barrier. You have to be careful with that last Energy Barrier counter since you don't want to drop your hand size when you're not ready.


Unfortunately, Iron Man can't afford these too often, but he won't really need them anyways. Nova for potentially killing a minion before attack completes. Luke Cage can soak. Black Widow is the only THW here and can help to skip Advance. No Clea here because we don't really want her going back into the deck because of Repulsor Blast...but we'll see. Might need the cheap block. Might be worth testing with Brother Voodoo. He can either find you a Repulsor Blast, or if you have one in hand, he can search for another non-energy event like Side Step to make it more likely to hit 5 or even a 2nd Repulsor Blast/Supersonic Punch for a game-ending turn. In fact, I think I'm just gonna make the change now.


Iron Man will actually be defending for the first few turns if Energy Barrier isn't out, so Preemptive Strike can really minimize the damage and is always useful. Side Step is in because once again, Iron Man is taking a lot of attacks so any time you draw it it is usable. Used over Defensive Stance despite the lack of because it is cheap and loses its downside by always being in hero. No need to pay extra for a preparation if the card in your hand is usable 100% of the time! These two are also useful for the damage they do, very important when we won't be attacking often. If you're like me and count the number of 3-boost cards in the deck before the game and keep track of the discard pile, it adds a level of Arkham bag strategy.


Quincarrier for aerial and because Stark Tower is not as useful in this build. Med Team is expensive, but the heal is necessary. The Night Nurse is just so great. Cheap and remove stun/confuse? Pretty much mandatory.


x2 Endurance because we aren't flipping down to heal. Running more than one to see it faster or to have one in deck if one gets discarded by Futurist, not because we can play more. The second is just always fodder for Repulsor Blast and Side Step. The only reason I'm not running three is because I cut one for Brother Voodoo a few paragraphs ago. If you aren't worried about not being able to get to it, that's an easy cut. Just be sure to add an since it is so necessary to have some cards that don't stay on the table. Really, the only possibilities would be Beat 'Em Up or Desperate Defense. Just about all other stay out, so pick one of these. Personally, I like the consistency to help get to 20 hp, but I'm sure Desperate Defense works just fine even when it doesn't stand you up again. Adrenaline Rush, Energy Barrier, and Electrostatic Armor are explained above.

Other Options

Thought about Emergency, but we aren't staying in alter-ego at all. The Power of Protection would be nice to play the allies and Med Team or Energy Barrier, but its wild hurts Repulsor Blast and the curve here is so low. Potentially could remove Adrenaline Rush and add in Desperate Defense and Nerves of Steel. Just don't go full x3 of each of the three defense events, because drawing too many does clash with each other and Energy Barrier. Does add synergy with Brother Voodoo


There has been exactly 0 testing for this deck. This is 100% theory so use at your own risk. My guess is that it will be hard in solo, but who wants to run those good, winning decks anyways?


Mar 02, 2021 journeyman2 · 20973

Beat Rhino on rookie so can confidently say that this will beat Red Skull + Legions of Hydra on Heroic X.

But in actuality, did get around to testing a bit with good results. Arc Reactor and the Mark V Helmet are the most important upgrades to get some THW going. Had good results with mulligans for 3-tech hands. Good survivability through the first 3 turns, and found that if you can get past those the game will stabilize. If you get hit with a turn 1 Shadows of the Past or Master Plan followed by Spreading Lies you're sunk, but that can happen to a lot of builds.

Pepper Potts + Double resource is the best way to play the 4-cost allies. Leave The Power of Protection out was a good move since sometimes you draw more double resources than you can use. Trading Strength for one is a consideration to have another option, but Strength is more useful for upgrades early game which is important.

I found myself never playing Adrenaline Rush. The idea is interesting, but the deck would always get thin enough that I could reliably get to Supersonic Punch for a reliable 8, and would usually use Arc Reactor to THW rather than attack.

Side Step also never saw play. 2-cards for 3 block and 1 damage just never seemed playable with all of the Energy Barriers and Preemptive Strikes able to deal more damage and still block. Never needed the with Quincarrier, War Machine, and Stark Tower plus how fast you go through the deck. Stark Tower is useful early, but predictably is scrap when drawn after the first few turns.

Started testing Desperate Defense + Nerves of Steel over these and has been working well. NoS makes Preemptive Strike playable for chip damage, and Desperate Defense can usually stand you in combination with Energy Barrier/Preemptive Strike.

There's a lot of chip damage with Energy Barrier/Preemptive Strike/Electrostatic Armor so it's very easy to defend your way into being in Repulsor Blast/Supersonic Punch range. Energy Barrier's target flexibility is really nice if something like The Red House is up to prevent damage on the villain.

Damage was never an issue, as at a certain point Iron Man is such a tank at 20 health, healing 3 with Night Nurse or 6 with Med Team every now and then.

Tested on Rhino Expert and Red Skull expert, but I believe this will have a good matchup against a lot of villains. In Ultron, War Machine is actually usable + tons of chip. Against Klaw, Preemptive Strike does work. Zola isn't so bad since there's so much chip and Powered Gauntlets for minions; plus Iron Man probably relies on his signature ally the least of any hero. Mutagen Formula is similar to Zola. Risky Business actually shouldn't be bad since the flip damage on Green Goblin can be negated by Energy Barrier; Iron Man can keep Green Goblin up for longer since he won't be scheming; also he doesn't mind a ton of counters coming on Criminal Enterprise since he can burst through a bunch of them once set up with his high damage attacks.