

Cost: 1.

히어로 난입(방어): 당신이 피해를 받으려 할 때, 그 피해에서 3점을 방지합니다. 카드에 자원을 지불했다면, 공격하는 적에게 피해 1점을 입힙니다.

"나 보고 싶었지!" - Wasp
Quicksilver(퀵실버) #15.
사이드 스텝

Side Step is a nice part of the Flow Like Water + Defensive Energy deck. If you aren't in a defense synergy deck, blocking with allies, stunning, or using tough cards is generally a better way to prevent damage. There are a bunch of 1-cost defenses, but unlike Never Back Down or Desperate Defense, you don't need to defend with your hero's basic power. If you are trying to trigger things like Hard to Ignore or Unflappable, you might want a few extra ways to prevent damage like Energy Barrier, because villains will often attack for more than 3 damage. Jump Flip is another close comparison that I prefer because Protection is light on threat removal, but in the Flow Like Water deck you can definitely play both.

Stretch22 · 870