Brother Voodoo
Jericho Drumm


Avenger. 신비주의자.

Cost: 3.
Health: 3.
Attack: 1. Thwart: 2.

반응: Brother Voodoo가 플레이 영역에 들어온 후, 당신의 덱 맨 위 5장에서 이벤트 1장을 찾아 당신의 손에 더합니다. 당신의 덱을 섞습니다.

"제 이름은 Jericho Drumm입니다. Brother Voodoo라고들 부르죠."
Doctor Strange(닥터 스트레인지) #12.
Brother Voodoo

Brother Voodoo can give you 2 thwart and a block for 3-4 ER. Most protection decks seem to run more than 10 events nowadays, so you should find one among the 5 you draw 80% of the time, reducing the ER of Brother Voodoo to 3. If you run more than 10 events that could be situational, Brother Voodoo also becomes a viable mini-tutor fetching the right event for the right situation.

To finish off, he is an Avenger, which is one the most developed trait now - you can cheat him with Avengers Tower, and Team-Building Exercise for only 1 ER, get a ready through Earth's Mightiest Heroes. It may also find a spot in a Drax deck, with Stand Together.

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