Captain Marvel........ I mean Spider-Woman Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

wayner21 · 12

Listening to Tommy of Titan on the Side Scheme podcast gave me the idea to build this deck. The goal of this deck is to make the best ally in the game Captain Marvel the HERO of the deck. I have Call for Aid in order to bring out Cap Marvel (the only Avenger ally in the deck) as soon as possible on the table, if you don’t draw into her card beforehand. After getting Cap Marvel out, then it is time to add all the ally attachments to have her hit for 4 each turn, or thwart for 3!!! Better than most heroes in this game. These attachments are Inspired, Power Gloves, Reinforced Suit, and Sky Cycle. Sky Cyle along with 3 Inspiring Presence and 2 Get Ready will allow you to use Cap multiple times each phase. With hit points of 5 now with reinforced suit, there is plenty of times where I have used Cap 3 or 4 times a turn. Bonkers!! An extra 3 to 4 cards to draw into your hand and draw those aspect cards to charge up Spider Woman. In order to keep CAP on the table, I included 2 Med Team to keep her alive by healing for 2 per hero phase. Don’t ever use her to block, just get her out as early in the game as you can and then enjoy her being your real hero for the game. To keep Spider Woman alive, use her Contaminant Immunity to add tough cards, or Pheromones and Iron Fist to stun the enemy. If you don’t draw into those, then I have 3 copies of Desperate Defense to add 3 DEF. When you defend this way you then get to take advantage of Unflappable to draw another card! Also with Side Step and Electrostatic Armor you can do 2 damage to the enemy during the villain phase. I included 1 copy of Nerves of Steel to pay for these defense events. Anyways I absolutely love this deck, it is super fun to make your ally the real hero,