Captain Red, White and Blue

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SoloMarvelChampion · 1326

Captain Red, White, and Blue

I built this deck for my 4th of July game against Red Skull with the State of Emergency mod set for a Red (Skull), White (House, even though it's called the "Red House" when the game starts), and Blue (Aspect) matchup.

In the beginning...

This started as an Avengers deck...

...but there are so many good non-Avenger allies, and since there's always a scheme to Thwart in Red Skull, I just went with "best allies" and little-to-no build up. I want to play an ally every turn, not play a setup piece!

I had Ronin and Inspired in the deck for a while too, but I was never getting the attachment on him and didn't want to run Suit Up.

Also, I tested this against Expert Red Skull. It won once and lost once, and the games were really long. So the video linked above is a Standard 3 game instead, which was MUCH faster. Because I went with Standard 3 for the recording I made one change to this list:

Always have an ally

Always having an ally is obviously good for blocking, but in this style of deck I love for my allies to be doing the work for me too (even with a ready every turn).

Even though I couldn't do it in the video, this deck was meant to knock out Stage I and blow through Stage II on the same turn (Which I did in an 11 minute practice game on Standard 3).

Use Get Ready and/or Go Down Swinging on your heavy hitting/expensive allies:

Always be thwarting

When playing against Red Skull you need to always be thwarting because you're getting a new Side Scheme every turn, so Cable and Mission Leader are here to take advantage of that.

With the latter in play, try to finish off Side Schemes with the former for a double card draw.

Card Draw

Drawing more cards is always good in this game, so in addition to Cable and Mission Leader, there are several opportunities to draw cards in this deck: