Ghost-Spider leadership: Swing in, swing out.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

theromeo3517 · 1954

Oprah you get a car gif

You get a card! And you get a card!

Ghost-Spider and her team of web heads lead the charge!

I know what you're thinking. Leadership? On Ghost-Spider?? The response event based hero??? Not protection???? I'm the MADDEST I've EVEN BEEN!!!!!!

Bear with me.

This deck is about getting Web of Life and Destiny on the table, and then getting your troupe of Web-Warriors in and out of play, giving another player 1-3 cards each turn so they can win the game.

Unintentionally, this deck works in solo as well. Card draw is always good, so if you draw the destiny cards yourself, it's still really effective. You could be keep all the card draw for yourself in multiplayer if you wanted, I'm not your dad.

Setting up

Like always with Ghost-Spider, you want to get George Stacy and a Web-Bracelet on the table as soon as you can. I've found just 1 Web Bracelet is fine since there are fewer responses/interrupts in this deck. You also need Web of Life and Destiny down for the key combos. Second priority is Team-Building Exercise and some Command Teams.

The team

Once you're set up, the web warriors can start getting into play with The Power in All of Us, Team-Building Exercise, Across the Spider-Verse and Make the Call. More importantly, once they get into play, they get out, fast.

  • SP//dr Out the same turn she's played (back to hand if you have Command Team)

  • Spider-Man (Otto) Out the same turn he's played, with an extra card if you have an exhausted Web-Bracelet
  • Spider-Man (Hobie) Out 1 turn after he's played (or same turn with Command Team) with 0-9 free damage to the villian
  • Scarlet Spider, Spider-Ham, and Spider-Man (Peter) take longer to leave, but you may want to keep Parker in play for the re-ready. For the other two, there's Last Stand, which is an interrupt! Gwen loves those!
  • Maria Hill Look, I know she's not on theme. But Maria makes everyone draw a card which is the whole point of the deck. You gotta pretend she's "Spider-Maria" or something for the sake of the theme. She won't draw you the destiny card, but the value is still amazing.

Other goodies

Moxie is kind of a situational card, it's tough to get it to show up on the turns you're in alter ego. Fortunately, Gwen can give this card to her dad George Stacy to hang onto until flip time. And it's a response, so you can flip back up after healing in alter ego and draw a bracelet card.

Clarity of Purpose is just a good card on its own. With a def of 3 and Web Binding & Pirouette and Punch in the deck, it's easy to keep healthy enough to use this card.

Piloting the deck

The deck's one drawback is that it doesn't work if George Stacy, Web-Bracelet, and Web of Life and Destiny. If you don't get at least 2 out of 3 of these the deck struggles with resources.

Once you have your resource situation locked down, you're off. The goal is to get a web warrior out every turn. Gwen wants to defend pretty much every turn. Re-ready with a hero card response if it doesn't prevent you from playing your ally next turn. Stack your hero responses behind George to play when they are needed, but always try to get your allies out first. Usually they can pay for themselves and you can play your Ghost Kick and Phantom Flip off an attack or thwart during your turn.

If the stars align, you can play a Moxie while you have Spider-Man (Peter) and Command Team on the table and get multiple activations with buffed stats.

There is a ruling that you can use The Power in All of Us for double resources on a basic ally when you use Make the Call, which is great! But bear in mind that you can only use Team-Building Exercise on cards from your hand.

Generally, I will let allies die from consequential damage rather than chump blocking since Gwen likes to defend. However if you're the last player that round you may want to sacrifice your allies in the villain phase so you can distribute destiny cards earlier.

Ticket to the Multiverse I almost always use as a double resource and re-shuffle it into the deck, rather than playing as an upgrade. The upgrade ability is fine for this deck, but a lot less exciting here than in a response-heavy deck.

Substitution ideas

A pile of Get Readys could work for the same purpose as Command Team. I tend to prefer having the support on the table, but a George holding a get ready is a similar effect.

Teamwork is the only other leadership event with a response/interrupt. I did not include it because it works when you leave allies on the board, which we don't want! We want them gone for free cards.

Spider-Man Would be in if he were a web warrior. But it's too much work to get him in and play a Warrior of the Great Web on him.

That's all folks

Bring this deck to a multiplayer game and they will want you to keep playing this deck forever (unless they want to play a web-warrior themselves). Even 4 hand size heroes get to play the game when Gwen distributes free cards all day! Let me know how your games go, and have fun!