

Cost: 1.

Attach to a friendly character. Max 1 per character.

Hero Resource: Exhaust this card and deal 1 damage to attached character → generate a resource.

SP//dr #29.
Clarity of Purpose


(She-Hulk breaks something nearby)

But seriously, this card is pretty annoying if you glance back at the Core Box and readily answers the question "Is Champions suffering from Power Creep"? Getting a 1-cost Wild generator that can be given to anyone (Ally or Hero) is ridiculous.

Obviosly, this is a fantastic card. There are so many ways to mitigate damage, plus you can use it on high HP allies and drain them for resources (not the most eficient use, but its still a possibility).

Judicator82 · 141
What ally are you putting this on where you get a positive return? Even in the case of "Groot blocking a 1-ATK minion forever" all you've done is create the world's most expensive Helicarrier. — Fry · 261
It's best a hero. If you pair it with down time you get about 5 resources for a recovery action. — vidinufi · 1
Of course it's BEST on a Hero. But I can see edge cases where you decide that you want to be able to generate two Wild resources a turn on an Ally you already had out, especially on an Ally that has very high HP and a low cost (Victor Mancha, Snowguard). Not efficient, but possible. — Judicator82 · 141
You nearly made me spit out my milk in laughter!! I love playing She-Hulk because she is a powerful puzzle. I wonder if they made this stupid-good resource generator so good because they wanted more people to play Leadership decks? — FluffDaddy · 133

This is a great card! A Quincarrier without the "avengers only" limitation. Of course it benefits greatly Spider Ham, but I think high HP heroes are also prime candidates. Works well with Thor and I guess Hulk would be the best choice here. Nice for cards that use specific resources (Lightning Strike, Hulk Smash, R&D Facility...)

neothechosen · 11093
Captain Marvel in the art, so good with her Hero Ability! — Maper89 · 1
Assuming you are ok with using your hero to defend, this card paired with Bug and Wolverine allies can effectively be a free resource each turn. This is more practical in multiplayer than solo since games tend to drag on. The addition of healing factor in the Pool Aspect also opens up the option of a Spider-woman pairing. With healing factor in play you’d net plus 1 health each turn and get 1 resource. I don’t know how viable Leadership Wolverine is, but that’s another consideration. — TrueHiddenMist · 90