Cost: 0.

히어로 반응: 당신이 형태를 변신한 후, 당신의 히어로는 라운드 끝까지 저지 +1, 공격 +1, 방어 +1을 받습니다.

"우리 중 하나와 문제를 일으키면, 우리 모두를 상대해야 할 걸! If you " 우리 중 내가 마지막으로 남더라도 말이야." - Nova
Ant-Man(앤트맨) #16.

Fairly situational for heroes that don't have extra forms to switch to, and for the heroes that DO have extra forms, it's usually low-impact (as those usually aren't the heroes that get lots of extra readies to take advantage of a stat boost). I prefer my situational cards to be high-impact, so I'm rewarded on the occasions when the card isn't being discarded as a resource.

May have some value in a R&D Facility / Go All Out style deck, as it provides resources for R&D's requirement while also giving a hefty (if temporary) stat boost to power up Go All Out. OK for heroes that ready frequently (Quicksilver, Ghost-Spider) if you're playing them in Leadership, just maybe don't play a full three copies so they don't clunk up your hand at a bad time.

Fry · 262
I like it with Ant-man and Go All Out combo when switching to Giant form. Especially when set up with both Giant Strength upgrades. — Jobu · 3

TLDR: This card is bad even when built around. If you want a generic 0-Cost card to enable played out hands go with Assess the Situation.

This card is somewhat niche due to its dependence on form changing and more importantly its just all around bad. Most heroes don't spend much time in alter-ego which means really the only heroes that can consistently use this card are: Vision, Ant-Man, Wasp, Spectrum, and Shadow-Cat. All of these heroes can change between multiple hero forms. In addition to being dependent on hero-form changing this card also wants to be utilized alongside readying.

From a value perspective as a stand-alone card this will remove 1 threat or deal 1 damage and then also prevent 1 damage (assuming you defend on villain's turn). This isn't an effect you would ever go out of your way to trigger, but since this is a 0-cost card it can enable you to cleanly play out your hand without anything left over. When paired with a single ready the value increases to 2 threat removal or 2 damage and 2 prevented damage for closer to 3 effective cost (still not great). Which basically just leaves Push Ahead and Go All Out as viable strategies for this card. When used in conjunction with those cards the value becomes 0-cost for 2 ATK or 2 THW (When calculating the value of Push Ahead/ Go All Out you have to consider the opportunity cost of your basic activation. If you have stats of 3-3-3 and use Push ahead you will remove a total of 9 threat from a scheme but only 6 of that threat removal is value generated by Push Ahead, the remaining 3 you could have accessed anyways via a basic thwart).

One thing you appear to be missing is that you can play multiple copies of this in response to the same change form event. — erikw1984 · 29
Aspect card, so goes +2/+2/+2 when Jessica Drew turns into Spiderwoman — Rejusama · 1