Ms. Marvel Mean Green Machine

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Randito · 39

Ms. Marvel Mean Green Machine

This is a Ms. Marvel protection deck that is designed to be as flexible as possible, just like the hero.

It has the "enhanced cards" -- Enhanced Awareness, Enhanced Reflexes and Enhanced Physique to help pay for the ally and card effects -- Black Widow, Nova, Warlock, and Tackle. Originally, the deck has Resourceful but I ended up never playing as an upgrade.

It also has Helicarrier and Nakia Bahadir to reduce the costs of cards. Those two combined with some Team-Building Exercise for "inhuman" and "champion" allies, means you can potentially bring out Lockjaw for free from the discard pile if needed.

There are lots of little machines that you can use in this deck. And with Ms. Marvels "morphogenetics" power, you can pull it off for a few turns.

Card Draw

Aamir Khan and Wiggle Room are there for card draw. Wiggle Room is nice to bring back into your hand using "morphogenetics" if you're getting hit a lot.

Minion Defense

Nova plus lots of "wild" resources to feed him means that you can help pick off some of the minions. The deck is not built around it but it's a little machine if you need it.

Encounter Deck Control

Black Widow can be used to discard any horrible Encounter cards you come across.

Bruno Bank

Resourceful plus Bruno Carrelli means that you can get the "wild" resource from Resourceful without needing to play it first. Just play it directly from Bruno Carrelli.

Pulling this off will be hard, but it's cool style-points if you can. Otherwise, you can just install the Resourceful upgrade the regular way.

Lockjaw Recursion

Lockjaw can easily be summoned again and again once a few cards are in place, specifically Team-Building Exercise, Helicarrier and Nakia Bahadir.

Threat Reduction

Ms. Marvel struggles a little with threat reduction. Sneak By is the only good card for this. And in tight scenarios, you might need to use "morphogenetics" to bring it back into your hand.

A cheap Team-Building Exercise x2 and Helicarrier 'ed Lockjaw could be used for thwarting. But that's a late game solution that needs a lot of setup.

Reoccurring Stun

Tackle can easily be cast with Biokinetic Polymer Suit and Helicarrier helping. Plus, exhausting Ms. Marvel can put it back into your hand for next turn. A cheapo stun-lock.


Kamala Khan has a really good recovery score. And Momentum Shift is a good card for keeping your health topped off. Endurance isn't a hard necessity but it is nice. During play-testing I found that I was wasting her massive 5 recovery because I was wanting to use some of the Alter-Ego minions. Endurance will give me some more buffer for that.

Oh crap...

Get Behind Me! is kind of a "oh crap" card. If something really scary comes out, you can use that as an escape hatch, especially if you have Red Dagger or Lockjaw available to defend the attack.


Normally, you don't want to defend with Ms. Marvel. You want to use her action to put cool cards back into your hand. Wiggle Room and Nova should help keep things in check, especially if there are a lot of minions.

Preemptive Strike is there to reduce the big boost cards.

Discard Pile

This one is kind of a stretch. You can use Aamir Khan to put a card on the bottom of your deck from the discard, but shuffle the deck with Brother Voodoo. Not great, but still a way to help reload a card in your discard pile.


Lots of flexibility, lots of card draw, and lots of resource generation and cost reduction. No crazy combos (except Lockjaw) but lots of little fun ones.


Mar 08, 2021 Randito · 39

Update: Removed the Emergency card.. it doesn't work with Ms. Marvel according to the FAQ.