

Cost: 1.

일상 행동: Aamir Khan을 소진 → 당신의 버린 더미에서 카드 1장을 당신의 덱 맨 아래로 옮겨놓음. 그러고 나서 카드 1장을 뽑음.

"괜찮아요? 제 말은, 당신의 인생에서 지금이 최악의 시기라는 점만 빼고 말이죠."
Ms. Marvel(미즈 마블) #6. Ms. Marvel #10.
Aamir Khan

Aamir Khan is incredible utility value.

Not only is he providing you with draw at the start of a burst turn, he's helping you build your last hand before you deck out if you get him early. Stock your hand with interrupts, or stash a key expensive ally with a double resource. Bury a Tackle or a Concussive Blow. Minions being a problem? Relentless Assault to the bottom.

After about two dozen games with Kamala on expert, I think he's strong enough to hard mulligan for and justifies aggressive use of the Team Spirit ability to get him out as fast as possible.

Voidrift · 96