Spider-Woman - Agressionship

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Spliff · 659

With the combined powers of Aggression and Leadership, Spider-Woman basically does it all. Attack, Thwart, Allies, and even Defend if you’re desperate. Though the Allies can usually take most hits.

The core theme of this deck is to focus on cheap (2 cost or less) cards that provide a great value while also adding to your basic stats using Superhuman Agility. Once setup, each turn you are usually playing 2-3 different Aspects, laying down an Ally, dealing damage and thwarting.

Make sure you are using her basic cards. Finesse will let you get out more cards per turn and Self-Propelled Glide will let you leverage playing multiple aspects per round.

In the beginning you want to set up, especially Self-Propelled Glide and Finesse. Once these are setup you can start playing a cheap Ally every turn, sometimes 2. The Triskelion can be used to expand the Ally slots, but many times you won’t need it as your cheap Allies have lower health and disappear faster. Once you have a bunch of Allies out Strength In Numbers becomes your best friend. With the extra card draw you can usually get extra Aspects powering up your basic stats.

While this deck certainly focuses a lot on the Leadership aspect, I picked aggression specifically to go with it for a couple of reasons.

1) Cheap attacks pack big value. Skilled Strike is a very easy way to activate the Aggression portion of Spider-Woman’s ability. Then Self-Propelled Glide can ready you again to start Thwarting.

2) I like Contaminant Immunity and Inconspicuous a lot more than Venom Blast. They both seem a better value. That means they are both more likely to be played adding to Aspect used per turn.

3) Allies can help Thwart effectively. 1 Thwart compared to 1 Attack is a better value, so the activations lean toward that, covering the Thwart you need per turn.

4) High quality cheap Allies. While it’s just Spider-Girl and Tigra they both pack a great value.

Overall the rest of the build is just good value, but cheap cards.

I’m considering adding boot camp, but it’s a bit expensive that it doesn’t quite seem worth it. I’m also considering dropping the Hall of Heroes. While good utility, it sees less play in presence to Allies. I may slot in Brawn.

I also swapped out the Get Over Here! for Surprise Attack. While Get Over Here! is very useful for boosting your basic stats, Surprise Attack provides a better value.