Honey Badger Tank

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Irmãs Superpoderosas 0 0 0 1.0
Manas Superpoderosas 0 0 0 2.0

T1KL · 2

First post. Hope it works as good as it did for me. The deck plays the same as other sidekick decks but I'm more focused on getting Honey Badger as strong as possible.

  • Max out on Suit up to search out Honey Badger asap or use Pixie to get her back from the discard.
  • Symbiote Suit allows X-23 to take lots of damage either for her own upgrades like X-23's Claws or have a decent buff on your defense to be able to reduce the damage just enough for her ability to trigger after defending.
  • Using all upgrades on Honey Badger, her HP will be at 7 with her basic powers at 3.
  • Children of the Atom gives you the X-Men trait allowing Professor X to ready either Honey Badger or X-23 OR Triage to heal either of the two.
  • Use either Professor X, Command Team, Game Time, Side-by-Side, etc, to keep standing whoever you need.


  • Later in game when Symbiote Suit is in play, your Thwart goes up to 3 and Attack to 2. Using X-23's Claws buffs your attack to 4. When using Animal Instinct AND X-23's Claws, your Thwart goes up to 7!
  • Same combo as before but throw Claw Mastery into the mix, you have Thwart 3 and Attack 6 for a total of Thwart 9 after using Animal Instinct.
  • A fully suited Honey Badger will end with her basic powers at 3 on both ends. Sisterly Bond with an X-23 with Symbiote Suit will bring up Honey Badger's Thwart to 6 or Attack to 5. Using X-23's Claws will bring your attack to 7 and if you have Claw Mastery, a GRAND ATTACK OF 9.