

Cost: 1.

Max 1 per round.

Hero Action: Until the end of the round, X-23 gets +2 ATK (and her attacks gain overkill while Honey Badger is in play).

X-23 #5. X-23 #5-7.
Claw Mastery

Holy crap.

First of all, let's acknowledge that Honey Badger is almost always going to be in play thanks to Sisterhood, so that overkill is almost given.

Next, we should appreciate that +2 ATK generally works out to at least 4 damage with X-23 due to her kit's ability to ready her repeatedly. So 4 extra damage for 1 resource is a fair trade.

Except, if Honey Badger is up and running, it's going to be 3 activations. So 6 damage for 1 resource (2ER). Except, you're definitely going to activate X-23's Claws, so you're getting 12 total damage.

Then imagine you are lucky enough to have Sisterly Bond in your hand. For no extra cost, when you use Honey Badger to attack (and then ready X-23 again) she deals 5 more damage. That's 17 damage in one turn for 3ER.

Love this card.

MacGhille · 269