Super Smash Bros. - Captain America/Aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RandomDeckBuilder · 323

Deck Overview

Captain America is a highly flexible hero that can THW, ATK and heal effectively. Pairing him with the aggression aspect allows for some strong damage output, consistent ally usage and with heroic strike negating the villain's ability to attack back. The combination of Fearless Determination and Captain America "I can do this all day" allows for strong mitigation of threat as required along with Agent 13's powerful threat mitigation.

Part of the fun of currently building an aggression deck prior to Thor coming out in March 2020 is to try and optimise a build around Hulk. Typically that means reducing your resource load to a minimal amount. For Captain America who has 5 resource event cards in his deck already meaning in the mid-late game there are at minimum 4-5 cards that can discard Hulk.

I've added 5 cards to contribute to Hulk's risk of death in the form of Nick Fury who can be put back in the deck, Tigra who along with an Honorary Avenger or two can survive a Hulk resource discard and won't leave the table. Avengers Mansion which once down should not leave the table and two The Power of Aggression which offer resource discounts to the other aggression cards in the deck and give some value if discounted off Hulk. This means at any given time the chance of Hulk discarding himself is quite low and while the deck could reduce this further, it's hard to justify cutting the resource ramp down lower although it could be done.

The game plan is to establish some pieces of resource advantage such as Avengers Mansion, Helicarrier, Steve's Apartment or Super-Soldier Serum. And use Heroic Strike, Combat Training, Uppercut to clear the board and smash down the villain. Use Hulk, Nick Fury and Agent 13 to gain additional advantage in both damage and thwarting threat.


  • Combat Training Increases your damage potential by 2 each round thanks to Captain America's ability. A lot of minions in the game currently have an odd number of health so increasing your damage output to 3 is quite useful. Armored Guard, Goblin Thrall, Hydra Mercenary and Shocker are all minions Captain America can one shot.

  • Endurance and Down Time are cards that increase Captain America's ability to survive into the late game with endurance adding an additional safety gap of 3 hp and acting as a better once off First Aid that doesn't force us to add an additional resource to the deck. Down Time gives a much better recovery value of 5 which along with Steve's Apartment means that each time we are in alter ego form Steve can heal for 6.

  • Honorary Avenger is solid card currently in the card pool. It synergises with players that are running Avengers Assemble! out of leadership and gives crucial additional HP to Tigra and Hulk to survive the resource discard. The fact that it's a resource is great for increasing the density at which Hulk can deliver maximum value.


  • Agent 13 a solid signature card ally that can THW efficiently and has a nice on play effect. Keeping her around until after you've shuffled your deck and then discarding her ups your consistency for She-Hulk due to her having a resource. She only costs 2 resources with Steve Rogers ability is a nice bonus also. Fits the 3rd ally slot.

  • Hulk part of what our deck is built around is optimising this 2 resource 5 hp ally that deals between 3-5 damage each activation. The fact that he can cost only one resource if played using "living legend" helps in essentially that even if you were unlucky and discarded him the turn he came out, 1 for 3 damage isn't terrible. He can also be used as a defender due to his high hp or if you've got him to having 4 damage on him. As close to a permanent ally as possible.

  • Lockjaw an ally that can be played from the discard fits nicely with Hulk's discard ability that face he is a resource is an additional bonus. While played even if Lockjaw has been used and has 2 damage placed on him Hulk won't discard him from discarding a resource. Fits the 3rd ally slot.

  • Mockingbird A nice 3 cost (2 cost with Steve's ability) ally that offers 2 damage over 2 turns, a stun and then can defend an incoming attack. The fact she doesn't want to stick around suits the theme of perhaps taking friendly fire from Hulk without losing too much value. She is also a resource which is offers some potential synergy also. Fits the 3rd ally slot.

  • Nick Fury with Steve's ability cost 3 to play, effectively all but replacing himself from hand when used to draw 3 cards (except for himself). He is a persistent source of a resource which is unfortunate but the value he generates over digging through your deck outweighs that small risk. Like Captain America Nick is flexible in use and is best suited to addressing threat potential typically or removal of problematic minions. Fits the 3rd ally slot.

  • Tigra a versatile ally that can survive perpetually by killing minions and healing herself, playing an Honorary Avenger onto her provides with an additional health buffer for Hulk discards along with pumping the occasional damage into the villain, competing with Relentless Assault for targeting minions but in Ultron and Green Goblin scenarios offers some value by persistent enemies appearing.


  • Avengers Mansion, Helicarrier and Steve's Apartment all offer opportunities to gain resource advantage over time with card draw and healing resulting in value over time for Steve. These are important in a deck that has cut Genius for obtaining value over time.

  • Tac Team a nice way to thin the deck slightly while offering 6 damage over time for 3 resources which is about on curve this early in the game.



Cut Genius to more reliably keep Hulk around Captain America has a lot of ways to alternatively generate resources.

For your consideration

You could build a very similar deck that's even more aggressive and more consistent adding in Haymaker.

You could also retool the deck ignoring the Hulk's downside and add in First Aid for ally health regeneration, Genius for additional resource advantage and Chase Them Down for threat management.

You could also consider adding in Combat Training for other players if you are playing 2 or more players.

Once again thanks for reading! Comment below or give feedback via discord. @Remedy#6926