It's a tough one to review against the other damage aggression cards because unlike the ones from the core right now, this one doesn't need to be used up the turn you get it. It doesn't do a lot of damage in burst like some of the other cards, but it still does a significant amount of damage compared to a card such as Uppercut. I tend to choose something like this over them unless I need the damage immediately because there are plenty of times in the game where that extra 2 damage can be easily put to use finishing a minion off or not over damaging other targets with some of the higher burstier cards that would be overkill.
사용(공격 카운터 3). (카운터를 3만큼 놓은 채로 플레이 영역에 들어옵니다. 카운터가 모두 사라지면 이 카드를 버립니다)
행동: 전술공격팀을 소진하고 이 카드에서 공격 카운터를 1만큼 제거 → 적 하나에게 피해 2점을 입힘.
- Tac Team The Rise of Red Skull #42
Compare to Angel; 4 effective cost for 6 damage in three bursts of two. The problem, is playing Angel at 4 er is a fail case for that card, and he has the upside of blocking or chipping away at threat (which, frankly, is also a failcase imo), and that's without synergies as an ally and as an X-Men. Aggression also has access to the fabulous Magik, as well as the less stellar Valkyrie and Tigra who can pretty consistently out-damage this card, and that's a playset. And even Basic has Spider-Man, who has a similar 8 damage.
As an aggression support, there really aren't that many synergies- aggression prefers events, meaning even Uppercut can outpace this in a Honed Technique or Martial Prowess deck.
A decent card to spread damage around and deal with toughness/minions if you have a smaller card pool, but it's simply outclassed by allies, who do all this and more. Could really do with a Monica Chang of its own.