Lethal Weapons: A Buddy-Cop Movie (Team-Up)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Suit Bros! - Iron Man 0 0 0 1.0

CaptainJin · 282

This deck, designed for use in a duo team-up with this War Machine deck, is like a buddy cop movie where Tony does the thinking, while Rhodey handles the muscle. Iron Man and War Machine are back together again, this time to uphold the law... in the most explosive way possible.

These team-up decks were tested against Expert Ultron. Neither Tony nor Rhodey even broke a sweat.

Team-up 1

Core Strategy

This Iron Man Justice deck is all about control, precision, and a touch of that Stark charm. While Rhodey’s out there mowing down bad guys, Tony’s working the angles, neutralizing threats, and keeping the battlefield clean. Think of Iron Man as the cop who reads the rights before Rhodey blows something up.

With Sonic Rifle's confusion and Yaw and Roll's threat removal, Tony’s got the tools to keep the villain off balance. And when he teams up with War Machine for Two Against the World, it’s like the epic moment in the movie where the two partners look at each other, nod in slow motion, and unleash chaos.

Team-up 3

The Mulligan

In the mulligan, you’re Tony Stark checking his suit: "Do I have enough energy to power the repulsors? Is Jarvis online? And can I outsmart the bad guys yet?" The essentials to look for include:

  • Arc Reactor: No Iron Man is complete without it. It’s the equivalent of Tony firing up his suit—it powers everything.
  • Sonic Rifle: The confusion-causing tool that’s as effective as Stark Industries' legal team.
  • Stark Tower, Pepper Potts, Ingenuity, Quincarrier or Avengers Mansion: Your resource machines. Tony never goes into a fight without making sure he's got the funding and Pepper to back him up.

If you pull Repulsor Blast, it’s like discovering your buddy Rhodey’s got backup—more firepower than you know what to do with.

Lots of suits

Early Game

Early on, you’re laying the foundation for a smart and controlled battle. Think of this as Tony’s board meeting before the action kicks off. The goals here are:

  • Getting Arc Reactor and Heroic Intuition online, ensuring Tony’s multitasking capabilities are maxed out.
  • Deploying allies like Jessica Jones or Ironheart for additional help, because even Stark knows he needs a squad sometimes.
  • Using Yaw and Roll to knock out threats before they escalate—it’s like Tony solving problems before Rhodey even knows there’s a problem.

Here, you’re all about setup, controlling the board while Rhodey’s gearing up for destruction.


Mid Game

By the mid game, Iron Man’s got the board under control, and now it’s time to keep it that way. This is where Tony really shines—using his smarts while Rhodey blows stuff up in the background. Focus on:

  • Blasting through enemies with Repulsor Blast and Supersonic Punch, because Stark never shies away from showing off his firepower.
  • Keeping threats at bay with Sonic Rifle and Superpower Training—it’s like watching Tony outwit the villain at every turn.
  • Teaming up with Rhodey for Two Against the World for maximum efficiency, like a well-timed high-five right before you finish off the villain’s plans.

At this point, Tony’s playing chess while everyone else is stuck playing checkers.

I'm the best

Late Game

The late game is where Tony takes the gloves off and shows why he’s Iron Man. This is the climactic scene of the buddy-cop flick where Tony’s ingenuity meets Rhodey’s firepower head-on. Finish strong by:

By this stage, the villain has realized their mistake, but it's too late—Iron Man and War Machine are unstoppable.

Team-up 2


This deck is a perfect balance of brains and brawn, with Tony Stark handling the battlefield control and James Rhodes bringing the pain. Together, they’re the ultimate law enforcement duo, showing the bad guys that justice is best served with a side of repulsor blasts and missile barrages. Whether it's solving problems or blowing them up, Iron Man and War Machine have it covered.
