Spider-Man: Web of Deflection

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CaptainJin · 220

What style of combat is Spider-Man best known for? Dodging and counter-attacking, of course. This deck is designed to do just that. It has been tested against Expert Rhino and it absolutely destroyed him without taking a single hit point of damage. 'Nuff said!

Card Priority

The order in which you prioritize cards in this deck is done in four stages which I like to call the "Four -Ations".

1. Preparation

This deck requires some setup, and to do that most efficiently, you need:

Mulligan hard for these cards. In the ideal game, you will have two of these three cards out on your first turn. It's worth noting that Web-Shooter will also be useful for setting up with the additional resource it can generate for three turns, but because it expires after three uses, it is not a high priority and should only be played when the majority of your setup is complete.


To get the most out of your cards and actions, next you need:

3. Utilization

Once you are more or less setup, you are now ready to dodge, duck, dip, dive and destroy with:

4. Association

While not critical to the functioning of this deck, it is even more effective with:

If using a villain/encounter that typically has more minions or one or more minions are currently engaged with your hero, prioritize these two cards over the ones in the "Utilization" section.

How to Play

First Turns

Spend the first one or two turns in your alter-ego form as Peter Parker to generate an additional resource and get yourself setup.

Wombo Combo

Being a defense build, most of the action will happen when the Villain activates and tries to attack you. In the ideal turn, you will:

  1. draw a card with Spider-Man's interrupt;
  2. play Powerful Punch and deal 4 damage before the villain attacks;
  3. play Desperate Defense and/or Jump Flip to reduce any excess damage to your hero, as well as ready your hero so they can also perform a basic attack/thwart next turn and/or remove 2 threat from the main scheme;
  4. play Counter-Punch to do an additional 2 damage to the villain;
  5. assuming you took no damage, remove 3 threat from the main scheme (1 for each Hard to Ignore); and
  6. assuming you took no damage, draw a card with Unflappable.

And it's not even your turn! Even on the rare occasion where the villain's damage will exceed your boosted DEF or the villain gets an additional attack which you can't defend, the damage can still be completely negated with Backflip.


While not critical to the deck, Black Cat and Luke Cage will bump up your damage and/or thwart output each turn, and Luke Cage makes for a great human shield for any additional sources of damage that you can't defend against.

Even though Nick Fury is expensive for a 1-turn use card, he is great for getting the situation back under control with the many forced response options availble when he enters play. This is in addition to the 2 attack/thwart that he can do. And seeing as he's going to be discarded at the end of the round anyway, he can be further utilized as yet another human shield.

Other Cards

With the massive amount of cards and resources at your dispoal, you will often find yourself with other cards in your hand like Swinging Web Kick and Webbed Up. While not high priority, if you are already setup and can afford the resources without spending Powerful Punch and Counter-Punch, feel free to play them. You will be drawing a new hand at the end of your turn and would likely have discarded them anyway.

Also, it is worth considering holding onto Enhanced Spider-Sense, as treachery cards are really the only thing that is likely to spin the game out of your control once you are setup.

Closing Remarks

This is a fun deck which very closely emulates the wall crawler, yet despite being a thematic deck, it is still really effective in both solo and multiplayer. I hope you enjoy playing this deck. Excelsior!


Jun 23, 2024 Dan83112 · 1

Worked like a charm on expert rhino, like you said. I used the ransacked armory modular and still barely a scratch.

Jun 24, 2024 CaptainJin · 220

@Dan83112I'm glad to hear that. Thanks for the feedback!