THOR: Love and Dreadpool

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KakitaJamie · 348



insert a tiny bit of like pandering HERE

INSERT COOL INTRO... Wait... Actually need an intro... OK... So HOW about that Dreadpool. Boy does that card suck to get down. Every turn with the OH "Hello, I'm here to eat 3 damage or you'll regret it." BUT what if we want a minion every turn AND 3 damage isn't that hard to get every turn. Why hello there Thor you have 3 ATK and like guaranteed draw 2 cards every Villain phase.

Thor's Secret Sauce

The big perk of a minion during the Villain phase, is that the "Have at thee!" triggers once per Phase not once per Turn. So with a Defender of the Nine Realms in hand and a minion drawn during the Villain phase, you draw 4 cards that turn. We are looking to take advantage of this as much as possible.

Do you really want Crisis of Infinite Deadpools to get to Dreadpool

Not always. In a minion heavy scenario, you likely don't need any help getting minions in the Villain phase. In a minion light or big minion scenario where you'd prefer not to fish out the minions i.e. - MODOK, The Acolytes, etc.

Getting Dreadpool on the board

Kicker time, you need to be first player for him to engage you. So this works better solo but could certainly work multi-player with other minion loving heroes like Valkyrie, Rocket Raccoon, etc..

Helping us get to Dreadpool are Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Pandapool, and Heimdall.

Handling Dreadpool

Thor + Mjolnir have 3 ATK, and Dreadpool has 3 HP. Simple enough. However, dedicating your hero activation each turn is rough. Limitless Stamina and Stick-To-Itiveness are in the deck to ready Thor for extra activations.

The other Cost of Dreadpool

The allies in this deck... expensive. Thor's kit... expensive. Thankfully playing the Pool aspect gives us the 3 Self... resources. This deck contains the 'Pool resources, Double resources, Quincarrier, God of Thunder, Asgard, and Deft Focus. That might seem like a lot of resources. With a potential 8 cards in a turn though (5 w/ Asgard, 2 Dreadpool, -1 +2 from Defender of the Nine Realms), these will guarantee you can keep up with the board AND progress the game. Specific choices:

  • Quincarrier was added for Stick-To-Itiveness and the fact that you can play it off of the 'Pool resources when at full health.
  • Deft Focus works with 9 cards in the deck. You will almost always have a use for this card.

Survive if Dreadpool lets you...

With so few cheap allies, it will be on Thor to get to the mid and late game. Thankfully Thor has 14 HP and Thor's Helmet. Add in Godlike Stamina and Healing Factor and we should be able to survive until we are set up.

Dreadpool doesn't like Headpool and Lady Deadpool is there too.

Don't want to forget these two, as they serve a few purposes:

  • They each have 2 THW. Basic and Thor aren't great at threat removal.
  • They both have Amplify Icons instead of Acceleration Icons. This deck has minimal Thwarting capability, we don't need to accelerate threat. Amplify hurts when Thor is taking most of the damage but sacrifices need to be made for Dreadpool.
  • Headpool specifically is works great with Dreadpool. He attacks Dreadpool, Dreadpool attacks an extra minion or the Villain. With Dreadpool, you'll always have a target for Headpool.
  • Lady Deadpool works great to knock out extra minions you might not want by cashing her in on a block.

Dreadpool has no time for your basic friends

Why does Dreadpool insist on using 'Pool-ized on my allies

Once set up with Dreadpool, this is what I'd save Get in Front of Me! and Negasonic Teenage Warhead to stop. In multi-player, this card could be worth letting resolve if you're not first player. Still not the greatest but at least you get your draw 2 from "Have at Thee!".

Adaptations for different match ups.


  • Basic allies - More basic allies, would be great for value in blocking or eating Get in Front of Me!. There is a case for many of the basic allies, so I'm not going to list them here. I'd lean cheap over powerful though, since you have enough power allies between Asgard and 'Pool. I'd lean this way for Villains with lots of extra attacks.
  • Bob, Agent of Hydra, Kidpool, & Dogpool - Don't have enough THW in the deck to justify the Acceleration Icons. Might be good in multi-player if you need something like piercing or other special reason.
  • Get Rage-y - Card is free value, especially with the 'Pool allies. With limited room, it just didn't fit with the synergy of the deck. Could easily see squeezing this in as a 41st card.
  • Not my Responsibility - Would be great with more Basic allies to eat the damage. Lean here for Villain's with more ways to add threat in the Hero phase.
  • Build Support & Superpower Training - These would be great additions but Thor is weak for threat removal. In multi-player, I'd encourage team-mates to run these.


  • Pandapool - Having a Tough and 3 ATK is great but the Hazard Icon with no way to self-mitigate is risky based on the scenario.
  • The Bifrost - This is copy 2 of Heimdall. Yes it gets Lady Sif but Heimdall's ability to manipulate the encounter deck is core to survival (and Dreadpool).
  • Doubles and/or 'Pool - Tanking face means that the 'Pool Resources aren't guaranteed to be triple resources. Thor having a small hero hand-size, I want the best odds to get 2 card per turn plays. Combinations worth considering for cut: -- Genius and Self Control are both which is the least needed resource type in the deck. -- Basic Resources for Villains that don't his hard -- 'Pool Resources for Villains that are going to deal 5+ damage fast.