One of the most fun crazy heroes of the game. Obviously he shines against minions heavy scenarios. He is versatile too with many basic power boosts for thwarting and attacking. Great to play in Protection with "Come Get Me, Bub!", Ever Vigilant (thanks to Thruster Boots) and Repurpose that recycles or does the turn-over of TECH upgrades in play. Do not forget to add Groot and Flora and Fauna, to it.
Thwart: 2.
Attack: 1.
Defense: 1.
Health: 9. Hand Size: 5.
"Murdered You!" — Response: After you deal excess damage to an enemy, draw 1 card.
"That's it! You can attack me, you can call me names, but NO ONE touches my blaster!"
Galaxy's Most Wanted(은하계에 가장 필요한 일) #29. Rocket Raccoon #.

Genius. Outlaw.
Recover: 3.
Health: 9. Hand Size: 6.
Tinkering — Action: Choose and discard a tech upgrade you control → draw 2 cards. (Limit once per round.)
"Ain't nothin' like me, 'cept me."
Galaxy's Most Wanted(은하계에 가장 필요한 일) #29. Rocket Raccoon #.

- Rocket Raccoon Galaxy's Most Wanted(은하계에 가장 필요한 일) #19
- Rocket Raccoon Galaxy's Most Wanted(은하계에 가장 필요한 일) #29