

Cost: 0.

히어로 행동(저지): 조우 덱에서 하수인이 버려질 때까지 카드를 버립니다. 이렇게 버려진 하수인을 당신과 교전 중인 채로 플레이 영역에 내려놓습니다 → 음모 하나에서 위협을 3만큼 제거합니다.

Thor(토르) #3. Thor #2-4.
아홉 영역의 수호자

+2 cards and -3 threat in exchange for a minion which will likely die from a hammer throw? Easily Thor's best card. I will always play this unless there's no threat on the scheme for some reason. However there are some villains like Rhino who has less minions in their deck so watch out for that.

gustave154 · 21
Also found it to be a resource agains Ultron and made matters worse in the Wrecking Crew as I went thru the encounter deck of that particlar villain. I'm sure it's great "normally" — knotilla · 1