Captain Ameri'Pool - Jedi Master

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

captainfire · 346

"You know what I wish Captain America could do ? Ready himself... :/ "
--- No one

Overview :

  • Play Style : Build, swarm and ready yourself all day!
  • Difficulty : Easy
  • Power level : (Very) strong
  • Recommended Player Count : Any
  • Ideal Aspect Partner : Justice or Leadership

This deck has beaten (rather easily) Venom Goblin + Glider, Ronan + Kree and multiple other villains in Expert mode.

Concept :

Other combos and how to play the deck :

  • Plot Convenience is nice here to save your most important 'Pool cards :
  • You don't NEED to play Laser Swords early. It's nice because with Symbiote Suit you'll at least be a 4-ATK hero, but not necessary.
  • Play Side Holster as soon as you see it !
  • You have too many allies, don't be afraid to replace them if necessary :
    • Blade is mostly here for Earth's Mightiest Heroes but you'll often have some in excess ;) He should stay in play all game.
    • 'Pool allies are all good, Dogpool and Headpool can help you survive at the beginning while Kidpool is better when you turn into full-attack mode. They will take 1 (2 probably at the end) of your other ally slots.
    • Your other basic allies are just nice draw/stun/confuse when they enter play. They are your last ally slot, and they will swap places every turn or so.
  • Don't play Live Dangerously until the penultimate (or even last) turn because it's...dangerous. And when you do, be assured you can ready a lot this turn :)

Other cards :

  • Bob, Agent of Hydra was originally in the deck instead of Kidpool, he's a bit cheaper at the start of the game and can thwart 1 more when he arrives.
  • War Machine is not the best ally but it's the only other basic AVENGER. It can be useful for turns where you have two Earth's Mightiest Heroes in hand. Pretty rare IMO as you can usually just keep one copy in you hand for next turn. Plus your ally slots are already full.
  • Tic-Tac-Toe is nice to heal at full health or slowly absorb indirect damages on your permanent allies. It's also another card out of your deck once you've played it, but I almost never used it because you can just ready-up with Captain America's ability instead...

Have fun ! ;)


Dec 08, 2023 kimykun · 1

I really wanted to try Captain America in the pool aspect ! Thank you :)

Dec 08, 2023 journeyman2 · 23512

Nice deck!

Dec 12, 2023 MrSelfDestruct · 9

Just had a great time playing Tower Defense with this deck! Was skeptical about so many Earth's Mightiest Heroes with just 1 Avengers ally, but that actually came in clutch and Blade stayed on the board a long time. Didn't even get the PSS out there, but Laser Swords and Symbiote Suit alone have great synergy!

Dec 12, 2023 captainfire · 346

@kimykun Hope you like it then :)
@journeyman2 Really appreciated coming from you :p
@Tripplite27 Yeah, most of the time, by the time you have your swords in play, there are already a few icons (symbiote, pool allies, scenario...) so Live Dangerously isn't necessary ^^'
But sometimes you still need it and it's nice that you can play it whenever you want thanks to Plot Convenience.

And yeah, Blade is so cheap, can take 2 indirect damage and he either readies you or don't take consequential almost every turn. A really nice vampire :)

Dec 18, 2023 harisman87 · 1

Thank you for this deck, i really enjoy play this one vs Thanos and my 2 friends