

Cost: 0.

Hero Action: Spend 1 resource of any type → move 1 damage from a character to an empty space above matching the spent resource. If there are 3 damage tokens in a line, deal all damage on this card to an enemy and discard this card.

Deadpool #57.

Note the lack of "1/turn" or "exhaust itself"...so you can dump into it multiple times in a turn. Great to combo "hand dumping" with Mulligan. Also the same if your entire team is playing it (unique) and the next person wants to start using the same trick. :)

Sluggie · 4

Multiplayer Perspective: This is one of the Staples from the Pool Aspect and functions similarly to Med-Team. If you have a high-priority ally: Voltron Strategy, Signature Ally (Captain Marvel), etc... the value skyrockets. The max activations you can get out of it is 6 (Physical, Mental, Energy, Mental, Physical, Final Point Anywhere) That's 6 more activations on a non-permanent Voltron Target, 6 more draws off of Captain Marvel, and up to 12 Damage/Thwart on average (18 damage when counting damage from Tic-Tac-Toe itself). All of this packaged in a zero-cost upgrade that can sit around till you have a dead card at end of turn. The major downside of this card is that playing the Pool Aspect typically eliminates your access to desirable allies. For that reason I would recommend playing this in a multi-aspect deck (Spiderwoman) or a hero with access to strong/plentiful basic allies (Guardians/Web-Warriors/X-Men). Imagine keeping Storm on board for 9 turns with her effective 4 Thwart.

7 uses is the max. I like using it with Snowguard in Basic — Stretch22 · 968
If you generate 2 resources with one card can you add two damage to the card or are you limited to 1 per card? — feendish · 1