Problem Solvers: Star-Lord Super Thwart

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Dirius · 162

Thwart-Focused Star-Lord deck to remove Side Schemes en masse. Great in 2p games where teammates can deal with minions while you still have enough thwart to clean up side schemes in one Problem Solvers. Star-Lord can uniquely play this card as early as Turn 2 and without any support through the alliance effect -- he can setup turn 1, and play both and ally AND Problem solvers on the same turn, thanks to his Hero ability, "What Could go Wrong?". If the idea of making 3 side schemes disappear with one event sounds appealing, then play this deck.


  1. Boost friendly characters' THW with Leader of the Guardians, Heroic Intuition, and Symbiote Suit.
  2. Play One Way or Another and recklessly deal yourself encounter cards to get lots of side schemes into play.
  3. Play Problem Solvers, exhausting Star-Lord and an Avenger ally, letting you thwart everything for 6-8 and clean up the mess you made.
  4. Ensure that the encounter cards are not too damaging with Global Logistics, before finishing the villain off with Sliding Shot.


Quake, War Machine, Wiccan, Speed, are the Avengers. Speed's ready ability is especially nice to either double up on the +1 THW, or to get a single thwart in, say on a Hazard icon, and then to use him for Problem Solvers.

Agent Coulson, Quake, and War Machine again, are the SHIELD allies that provide fuel for Global Logistics. Agent Coulson is used to pull Spycraft to avoid any singularly game-losing encounter cards.

Gamora is too good to not run if you're a Guardian. Nova Prime is rarely played.

Venom is also an option to get some pretty significant damage off with how many encounter card's Star-Lord can face.


Global Logistics rigs the encounter deck. There are 4 Shield cards that can be a target of the exhaust, so this should be pretty consistent. You may not need all three of these.

Use Daring Escape to ready yourself after clearing the schemes away. Finish off the villain and main scheme with Sliding Shot and Gutsy Move.

One Way or Another is a basically a free +2 cards. The deck handles side schemes so easily. Rip through your deck and get more encounter cards!


Build Support+IPAC is a cheesy and very strong combo in Star-Lord because of how he benefits from the extra encounter card. Thwarting player side schemes comes at very little opportunity cost to this deck.

Knowhere is another card that is a no-brainer in Star-Lord decks if you have any number of allies.

Helicarrier+"What Could Go Wrong" = "Free" Problem Solvers. Sense of Justice could be considered as an alternative due to being cheaper, BUT it doesn't combo with Global Logistics and can't be used to pay for any other cards.


This deck can have large singe instances of thwart, so Overwatchis a good card. Compared to Avengers Mansion, Skilled Investigator is free and will yield about as much value vs any encounters with any considerable number of side schemes.

Symbiote Suit is crazy in Star-Lord. You can commonly start your turn with an effective 13 card hand! (Star-Lord's Helmet+Symbiote Suit+IPAC+Bad Boy)

Player Side Schemes

Build Support is exclusively for IPAC

Superpower Training can pull Leader of the Guardians, Element Gun,Jet Boots, or less efficiently, Star-Lord's Helmet.

The Justice aspect side schemes of Take Out the Guards and Lay the Trap probably are too slow, but these might be worth including if you can get your teammates to play the Neutral ones in your stead.

Priority Plays

Star-Lord's Helmet, Leader of the Guardians, Element Gun, any Avenger ally.

Use early allies to block. Later, allies will be exhaust engines for Problem Solvers. Most damage will be done via Sliding Shot and Star-Lord himself.

Don't generate encounter cards that you can't respond to!


Nov 21, 2023 vintagebuyer_80 · 49

Your lists are well thought out, looks like you are going to be a good deck builder to check in with for fresh ideas.