Daisy Johnson


Avenger. S.H.I.E.L.D.

Cost: 2.
Health: 2.
Attack: 2. Thwart: 1.

반응: 하수인이 암약한 후, Quake를 소진 → 그 하수인에게 피해 2점을 입힙니다.

"이 건물을 네 주변으로 무너뜨릴 거야!"
Black Widow(블랙 위도우) #12.
FAQs (taken from the official FAQ or FFG's responses to the official rules question form)

Q: Can Quake activate against a minion that is scheming for 0?

A: An enemy with 0 SCH still schemes if they activate while you are in alter-ego form. -(Developer Ruling, Hall of Heroes)

Last updated

Quake punches above her weight. Her cost is excellent, and getting a 2 attack out of it if you so choose is strong. In decks that confuse the villain, Quake can be especially good as she can passively damage and kill remaining minions brave enough to still thwart. Given that most minions, generally, cannot scheme particularly well, it is often a worthwhile trade to take an extra scheme or two in exchange for the damage. Given that this is Justice, especially in solo an Under Surveillance and/or Counterintelligence can largely mitigate the dangers of having the main scheme completed while flipped down.

Overall, a high-value and cost-effective justice ally that can pile on the damage throughout a game.

Cable · 37
one time I was playing a pure alter-ego deck and got a 0 thw minion in front of me this card was awesome! — XPGamer · 43