Dynamic Duo 2/2: the Gifter

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

neothechosen · 10648

*Trying to build a duo to make maximum use of aggressive Hulk. I did not playtest this yet but I think it might resolve a few issues Hulk is having.

Second half of my team, Captain Marvel will be instrumental in helping The Hulk draw cards, using Avengers Mansion and her "Commander" ability. To do so, you will have to flip back and forth between hero and alter ego every turn, and have Hulk draw cards.

Also, Marvel will have to thwart for the entire team, relying on her basic thw and Heroic Intuition, For Justice!, Counterintelligence, Interrogation Room and her allies, as well as her own Crisis Interdiction.

There is also a good deal of energy-based cards, making it easy to set up Energy Channel and use Photonic Blast to their full potential. Enhanced Reflexes is real good to trigger your ability, healing and drawing a card.


Sep 02, 2020 neothechosen · 10648

find the other half here: marvelcdb.com