Q: Is Energy Channel's damage dealt in separate instances per energy counter or is all damage dealt at once?
A: It's all at once. -(Developer Ruling, Hall of Heroes)
Last updated
플레이어마다 최대 1장.
행동: 자원을 X만큼 소모 → 이 카드에 에너지 카운터를 X만큼 놓음.
히어로 행동(공격): 에너지 방출을 버림 → 적 하나에게 이 카드에 놓인 에너지 카운터마다 피해 2점을 입힘(최대 10점).
Q: Is Energy Channel's damage dealt in separate instances per energy counter or is all damage dealt at once?
A: It's all at once. -(Developer Ruling, Hall of Heroes)
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Just a question...
Can I use this without counter on it to discard a stunned card? I really wonder if it's a possibility. Looks possible regarding the Hulk 0 CTR use to remove Confused status card, but if I look on the other side, is it an ability "who doesn't change the game"? People tell me sometimes yes, others no. Then... I'm Confused.