

Cost: 2.

히어로 행동(저지): 음모 하나에서 위협을 2만큼 제거합니다. 그러고 나서, 당신에게 공중 특성이 있다면, 다른 음모 하나에서 위협을 2만큼 제거합니다.

"이런 난장판은 난생 처음 봐." -- Carol Danvers
기본판 #12. Captain Marvel #2-4.
위기 차단


  • For 3 ER (Effective Resources) you get 2 threat worth of value, or 4 if you are Aerial.
  • If you are not Aerial, or if there is only one scheme to remove threat from, then this card is bad.
  • If you are both Aerial and there is more than one scheme out, this card becomes good value.
  • Since this card’s value is largely tied to Aerial, you need to add the subjective cost of getting the Aerial keyword, which depends on the value Aerial adds to your whole card pool.
  • Unfortunately the card is not worth playing with only Captain Marvel’s base Aerial cards and options.
  • See my Cosmic Flight review to read my full thoughts on Captain Marvel’s Aerial Options.

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Francois · 219

Multitasking makes this card look so much worse to me now. 1 cost for multitasking but you have to use a mental resource to activate the second part, which isn't really an issue for a justice deck OR 2 cost and you have to have played a 2 cost upgrade prior to playing this card for the same effect. It's effectively 6ER on a hero card for the same effect as 2ER on an aspect card.

trowa060 · 30
Multitasking can't be used to heal one damage and draw a card with Rechannel, or do two damage through Energy Channel. Captain Marvel is powerful enough with her current cards, I think. — adsarf · 502