Ghost-Spider's Expert Easiness: Taming the Likes of Red Skul

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

seneca29 · 173

This deck defeated Expert Red Skull on the first try but it's not a deck specifically designed for that villain. This is a deck you can use to beat every villain on Expert.

(Disclaimer: I haven't played this deck extensively, but I wanted to share it with a friend. I plan to update the description after playing more games! ;-))

EDIT: I played it more and won against many villains, including Nebula, Ronan, and Loki on Expert.

Disclaimer 2: This deck is limited by my collection. ;-)

The primary strategy involves defending during the villain's turn, ideally avoiding damage and then readying by utilizing an interrupt defense event. If resources allow, you can repeat this process during your turn. This enables you to both attack/thwart in the player phase, use an event, ready your hero, and then attack/thwart once more.

Considering Ghost-Spider possesses only a basic thwart value of 1, I suggest prioritizing attacks over thwarting.

Let's begin by analyzing a few cards.

First, we'll examine the Web-warrior package:

  • Spider-Man is an affordable ally capable of allowing you to draw an additional card when he readies one of yourWeb-Bracelet
  • Spider-Man is arguably the premier Web-Warrior ally to include in your deck. He readies you after either attacking or thwarting, which is highly advantageous. Ghost-Spider loathes being exhausted, as it prevents her from attacking or thwarting, using interrupt/response events, or even readying herself again. You can easily grasp the situation.
  • Web of Life and Destiny is an essential inclusion in any Web-Warrior deck. Not only is it free, but it also facilitates drawing additional cards.
  • Across the Spider-Verse is a great card to put in play Spider-Man if he is in our discard pile. If he is not there, then we'll have to choose somebody else. Please note that Spider-Man can ready your Web-Bracelet only if he played from your hand. The best moment to use this card is when you already have in play Web of Life and Destiny because you can exhaust that card instead of your hero or a valuable ally!
  • Silk is affordable, and she can help you deal with troublesome treacheries like advance, shadow of the past, or any cards with the surge keyword. It's important to note that she must be played from your hand in order to use this special ability.
  • Spider-UK is the character we rely on to handle small minions. He boasts an exceptional interrupt ability that guarantees a minimum of 2 damage (1 from Spider-UK and 1 from your hero). However, with the aid of Web of Life and Destiny (another Spider-themed card) and additional Web-Warrior allies, his damage output can easily escalate to 3-4 (or even up to 5).

Extra ally:

  • Jocasta. She serves as a somewhat less potent alternative to George Stacy since she can retain a defense event on your behalf. Additionally, she possesses a thwart value of 2. Given the need for thwarting (THW) options—especially considering Ghost-Spider's limited 1 THW—Jocasta proves valuable.

Next, we have defense events, all of which are interrupt events. This means they trigger your hero's ability, allowing you to ready yourself after defending:

  • Defiance. With a cost of 0 and our impressive defense (3 + 1 from Armored Vest we can confidently absorb 0 damage. This becomes significant for triggering Unflappable)
  • Expert Defense. Priced at 0, it enhances our defense to 3. Once more, we'll typically take 0 damage in most cases.
  • Not Today!. Although it carries a cost of 1, it's a price we're willing to pay gladly, considering this card equips us to manage schemes effectively. Importantly, remember that you can eliminate 2 threat from ANY scheme, not just the primary one.

Lastly, let's delve into Resources, Supports, and Upgrades:

  • We include Energy, Genius, and Strength, yet we don't include The Power of Protection since this deck features just 2 green cards with a cost higher than 1.
  • Armored Vest. A budget-friendly addition that elevates our defense to 4, making it easier to activate Not Today!
  • Unflappable. An excellent addition to any deck that prioritizes frequent defense (like ours, where we're defending every single round). Not only does it streamline our deck, but it also allows us to draw one card each turn. How incredible is that?
  • Flow Like Water. Think of it as having retaliate. Once this card is in play, we'll typically inflict an additional 1 damage per turn.
  • Avengers Mansion. While a costly addition that might impact our tempo, in numerous scenarios, the investment will prove worthwhile. Having an extra card in hand holds tremendous value.
  • Helicarrier. Another staple card. It nearly functions as an extra resource. It's important to bear in mind that you can't employ this card during the villain's turn, meaning you won't receive any discounts for events played after defending.

And with that, we've covered all the cards added to the main deck. Now, I'll delve into our hero cards.


  • Ghost Kick serves as our primary source of burst damage. It proves invaluable against sturdy minions and carries a substantial impact on the villain.
  • Phantom Flip eradicates an immense amount of threat. While it's most advantageous to employ it on schemes harboring 5 or more threat, this doesn't imply exclusive use under those conditions. If we lack allies capable of thwarting on our behalf, considering it even for 2-3 threats could yield a substantial tempo advantage. Its effectiveness varies based on specific situations; remember, waiting for its full potential is not obligatory.
  • Pirouette and Punch stands as a contextual card, making it an ideal choice for George Stacy, who can retain it until the opportune moment arises. The card's optimal application doesn't revolve around the damage it can inflict on the villain; rather, it centers on negating any malicious encounter card with a "when revealed" effect. Prioritizing nullifying a detrimental advance or similar cards is often more valuable than dealing a couple of extra damage.
  • Web Binding demands for its activation. Its effect can promptly eliminate a random minion or provide respite during challenging moments, though typically its impact is modest. The card's utility becomes apparent if the villain somehow prompts a second activation. Ultimately, it's a situational card, neither exceptional nor lackluster.


  • George Stacy, aka the man. He contributes a significant amount of value to our deck. He ensures that our valuable events are readily available for us to use when the opportune moment arises (which usually happens quite promptly, truth be told!). Keep in mind, however, that our obligation Worried Father will discard all those events, so it's best not to let your father become too concerned!


  • Ticket to the Multiverse. In CERTAIN situations, it can be a lifesaver, a game-changing moment that immerses you in the atmosphere of an epic comic book. Most of the time, playing it results in a loss of tempo, and you won't be able to draw it again. Its optimal use lies in obtaining the double wild resource, so treat it as if it wereVibranium. If you possess this card while in alter ego form, it's advisable to promptly spend it and employ your alter ego ability to return the card to your deck.

Finally, just a few words about the Red Skull scenario (which was the only reason I wrote all this).

Red Skull may seem intimidating, and for sure he is not one of the easiest villains but he is not that scary once you know him. Your top priority should be dealing with side schemes (well actually the very first priority is not losing, so, don't let the villain complete the 2nd main scheme and of course, don't die!). Priority #2 is the main scheme. If that's completed, you'll immediately face another side scheme and your safety net is gone, meaning if that second scheme is completed, it's game over.

Priority #3 are minions and attachments. Finally, the last thing you should do if nothing else is left, is actually dealing damage to the villain. Please note that when he is defeated you'll draw an extra encounter card, so don't defeat his stage if you are not ready for that!

The main gimmick of Red skull are side schemes and if you are using the suggested scenario, there are no huge bad surprises.

  • Hydra Patrol will let you PUT IN PLAY a minion, meaning his when revealed ability will not trigger. So the best choice is a Hydra Regular. Only 2 hp and you negate the incite effect.

  • The Sleeper Awakened will pop up a mini-boss. He is tough, having guard, retailate and 5 hp, but once you defeat him, he will go FOREVER along with the related side scheme.

  • Censor the Past can be wonderful when your deck is running thin because you can basically choose what to draw next!

  • Hydra Reinforcements should be dealt with ASAP. If there is a minion to discard is magnifique (especially if it's a Hydra Exo-Soldier or a Hydra Soldier, and please note you avoid the extra ecounter card because you're not defeating him but just discarding!). Anyway, don't wait until there is a minion to target and just get rid of this dangerous side scheme without a second thought.

  • Prison Camps. When I see this card I'm happy because what it means is that I'll get out a free Nick Fury. Although we don't include him in this Ghost-Spider deck, there's an alternative appealing candidate. As you may have guessed, I'm talking about Spider-Man. If he is already in play, other great targets are Jocasta (her ability will trigger, because it says when Jocasta enters play) or Spider-UK.

As you can see, every cloud has a silver lining!

Take your time, and when you are ready, strike with everything you have. That means that eventually you can also ignore side schemes and focus on the victory. I'm thinking about a situation where you are already on the second main scheme and there is also an acceleration token out.

Ok, we're done. I hope this will be helpful, my friend!


Aug 07, 2023 SpanishMalcolm · 63

He creado un documento excel que calcula a nivel estadístico si un mazo cubre las distintas facetas del juego (control de amenaza, daño, supervivencia, etc). Por si te sirve de ayuda, estos son los datos que muestra sobre tu mazo.

I have created an excel document that calculates at a statistical level if a deck covers the different facets of the game (threat control, damage, survivability, etc). In case it helps, this is the data it shows about your deck.

Valoración del mazo:
Control de la amenaza: 5,0 sobre 5,0
Daño: 2,9 sobre 5,0
Motor de recursos: 5,0 sobre 5,0
Protección / sanación: Sobrepasado
Motor de robo: Sobrepasado
Control y estados: 5,0 sobre 5,0
Valor global del mazo: 4,2 sobre 5,0

Deck Rating:
Threat control: 5,0 out of 5,0
Damage: 2,9 out of 5,0
Resource Engine: 5,0 out of 5,0
Protection / Healing: Overrun
Steal Engine: Overrun
Control and statuses: 5,0 out of 5,0
Overall deck value: 4,2 out of 5,0

Aug 07, 2023 seneca29 · 173

That's very cool, Malcolm! Do you have a link to share, so that I can personally evaluate other decks? :)

Aug 07, 2023 SpanishMalcolm · 63

Lo siento, pero no deseo compartir el documento. Me ha llevado muchas horas de trabajo (valorar cómo impacta cada carta del juego, entender como evaluar a nivel estadístico cada regla, etc.). Lo considero valioso. Espero que lo entiendas :)

I'm sorry, but I don't want to share the document. It has taken me many hours of work (assess how each card in the game impacts, understand how to statistically evaluate each rule, etc.). I consider it valuable. I hope you understand :)

Aug 07, 2023 boothwah · 81

I have created a magical yardstick that measures coolness, and your write up scored 102% (408/400 possible points). This was a very nice thing to do for a friend.

Aug 08, 2023 seneca29 · 173

Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it!

Aug 11, 2023 chaucho_mucho · 1

@SpanishMalcolm MarvelCDB is very valuable and free for anyone to use. There's also a Marvel Champions simulator floating around that's very valuable and free for anyone to use. If indeed you have some tool that is very valuable, I recommend publishing it in a way to benefit the community like others have done.