Wasp - Go BIG or go home

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

neothechosen · 10618

I haven't played Wasp in a long time! Sadly Wasp is a character that initially suffered from comparison with Ant-Man, and is often overlooked. So, I wanted to create something new, something I've never played before, a deck to take advantage of her unique abilities and that no other hero could manage... I came up with this.

Ever noticed most heroes' stats add to 6? Be it a 2/2/2 line (Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Cap, etc), 1/2/3 (Spider-man, Ghost spider) or 0/3/3 (Hulk)? Well, in GIANT form, Wasp has 7 (2/2/3), a bit above average. With Wasp's Helmet, you're up to 8 and can use the wonderful Moxie to push it further. Sooo?

It came to mind that two cards in particular can use that to great results: Push Ahead or Go All Out. With this deck you can push the limit to 17 DMG or 17 THW with those cards! (OR EVEN 23 with a little tweak... see below)

It implies the use of 3 Moxies beforehand.


Of course you don't HAVE to play all 3 Moxies for Go All Out to be relevant, one or two is already giving good results. But pulling off the 3 Moxie combo has proven easier than anticipated (or I'm a very lucky guy). It goes like this:

  1. During your fisrt pass through your deck, put Wasp's Helmet into play. Ideally, have Quincarrier too for that requirement, Avengers Mansion, Ingenuity... the more you can put in play, the better.

  2. Have Black Panther hold your copy of Go All Out or Push Ahead, depending on what you feel you will need (Push Ahead is more of a huge THW for multiplayer games). Panther can also hold one copy of Moxie FYI.

  3. KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR DECK! When it's close to 5 cards thin, time to STACK YOUR DECK! Revert to AE, use GIRL to shuffle in Moon Girl or Nick Fury plus one copy of Moxie. At the start of your next turn, shuffle the 2 remaining copies of Moxie into your deck.

  4. Draw! Use Avengers Mansion / Nick Fury / Moon Girl or any other card-drawing ally to get your copies of Moxie.

  5. Flip to Giant form, play all copies of Moxie, Go All Out / Push Ahead.

17 or 23?

If you're playing solo and not worried about THW (Push Ahead is overkill in solo), you could in replace Push Ahead with R&D Facility for up to 23 DMG from Go All Out (using all 3 copies of R&D Facility). Of course this requires a whole lot more prep work though!

...or the other way around, if you want to THW up to 23 with Push Ahead in multiplayer!

Honestly it's fun to pull it off, and quite easy, and the rest of the deck already feels quite good, with all the draw power and the use of GIRL, you really get a lot of mileage from those allies and events. You've got lots of DMG and THW, plus you can combo Moxie with Rapid Growth (flipping to tiny form first, using Moxie, then Rapid Growth) for multi-scheme thwarting or spreading DMG to various enemies. And with so many allies taking the hits for you, I barely got scratched.

So there it is! Have fun!


Jul 10, 2023 josseroo · 696

Nice combo!

Jul 10, 2023 Aizbaer · 1

Just gave it a go versus Expert Mutagen Formula but getting 3 Surges and 4 minions on the first encounter cards was a little bit much...

I will give it another go in the next days, I'm pretty sure it was just a (really) unlucky draw.

Jul 10, 2023 neothechosen · 10618

@josseroo thanks! Was really trying to make a thing that's for Wasp only!

@Aizbaer Yikes! Yeah that'll ruin your day, might as well try Ronan heroic 2 mode! Better luck next time!

Jul 10, 2023 josseroo · 696

Yeah, I'm futzing around with some Ms Marvel combos and this has inspired me to get back in there and really try to make something work

Jul 10, 2023 neothechosen · 10618

@josseroo Interesting! Would you share that list if you get there? I've yet to get Ms Marvel to work nicely for my taste...

Jul 11, 2023 josseroo · 696

Here's a Wolverine combo one that stashes three copies of Game Time on Bruno Carrelli: marvelcdb.com

Jul 11, 2023 neothechosen · 10618

@josseroo Cool idea! Thanks for the share!