Gambit- Fully Staffed

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Castlefrank47 · 534

As the names suggests, Gambit's Staff is going to be an integral part of the deck with the idea being to build Gambit out with upgrades. His kit has Gambit's Staff which allows you to deal a damage when you defend as well as Gambit's Guild Armor to ready when he takes no damage. To supplement this I have added Electrostatic Armor, Energy Barrier, Unflappable, Armored Vest, Dauntless. With these out, Gambitcan defend for a base of 4 and deal 4 damage back to the enemy if you can keep your hit points at 9 or above plus he can ready back up with Gambit's Guild Armor in play! Side Step is in here in case your dealing with a villain who hits really hard or they get any extra boost card. I have included Endurance and What Doesn't Kill Me to keep the health up. The allies in the deck are really here to soak up attacks while you build up your defenses. Polaris and Armor give a tough status and Professor X can confuse the villain allowing you to flip down. Rogue also comes with a tough status to block for a turn. Gambit has really powerful Attack cards so the idea is to chip away the health with your defense and then hit really hard with Royal Flush or Charged Card on your turn. So far this deck has run through most scenarios on standard. Mutant Education is in here for when you flip to alter ego to recoup your identity cards. The primary targets for me would be Molecular Acceleration and any of his Attack cards. I hope you have as much fun with this deck as I have, if you have any suggestions to make it better I'd appreciate it!


Feb 15, 2024 andyr · 6779

I love the name pun, but also, that’s a great combo with Fighting Fit, his high defense, and cards like Side Step. A high damage output protection!

Feb 28, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 534

@andyr thanks! I really appreciate the kind words. I had a blast playing it and really had way too much fun punishing the villain for attacking me lol. I've been thinking about revisiting it with the new content we've gotten like player side schemes