Spectrum Explosive Form

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Neokarasu · 165

Spectrum Explosive Form

Spectrum has a flexible 3/3/3 statline combined with pretty good economy from Energy Duplications. Photon gives you 3 THW which is particularly good at removing a lot of side schemes so One Way or Another allows you to accelerate your early game at minimal cost and have a very explosive turn 1!

The deck is also built to maximize the use of The Power in All of Us to have as much early game power as possible. Ironheart and Nick Fury helps find your setup pieces while dealing with anything the villain threw at you during setup. Professor X throws out a Confuse and also has 3 THW to allow you to use Gamma clear an early minion instead. Last but not least, it helps us get Symbiote Suit out turning Spectrum into 4/4/4 statline which turns up her flexibility even more.

Defensively you're blocking virtually 4 damage with Pulsar Shield (3 DEF + 1 heal) and have allies available to soak damage. Symbiote Suit turns this to 5 and gives you 10 more HP to tank damage. Professor X and Under Surveillance allows you to swap to AE when needed and the Suit also boots your REC to 4.

After you're setup, you'll be mostly swapping between Gamma and Photon combined with Ready to Rumble/Justice Served to deal with all of the schemes and doing damage. Overwatch helps you still get value out of One Way or Another in the midgame.



May 12, 2023 SpanishMalcolm · 63

Valoración del mazo:
Control de la amenaza: 5,0 sobre 5,0
Daño: 2,5 sobre 5,0
Motor de recursos: Sobrepasado
Protección / sanación: 4,6 sobre 5,0
Motor de robo: Sobrepasado
Control y estados: Sobrepasado
Valor global del mazo: 3,9 sobre 5,0

Deck Rating:
Threat control: 5,0 out of 5,0
Damage: 2,5 out of 5,0
Resource Engine: Overrun
Protection / Healing: 4,6 out of 5,0
Steal Engine: Overrun
Control and statuses: Overrun
Overall deck value: 3,9 out of 5,0

May 12, 2023 Neokarasu · 165

@SpanishMalcolm That's some neat info. How is it generated?

May 12, 2023 SpanishMalcolm · 63

¡Hola, @Neokarasu!

La valoración del comentario está generada con un documento excel estadístico que he creado. Simplemente compara los valores medios de los villanos con lo que aportan las cartas del mazo. Es sólo una orientación para saber (de media y sin contar con factor suerte) qué áreas del mazo pueden quedarse cortas y cuales sobrepasan la expectativa y, de este modo, equilibrar mejor el mazo.

Evidentemente, cada mazo es un mundo y cada jugador también. Sólo espero que la valoración te sirva de ayuda para que el mazo llegue a lo que tu esperas de él.

Hello, @Neokarasu!

The evaluation of the comment is generated with a statistical excel document that I have created. Simply compare the average values ​​of the villains with what the cards in the deck contribute. It is just an orientation to know (on average and without counting luck factor) which areas of the deck can fall short and which exceed the expectation and, in this way, better balance the deck.

Obviously, each deck is a world and each player too. I only hope that the evaluation will help you so that the deck reaches what you expect of it.

May 12, 2023 Neokarasu · 165

@SpanishMalcolm Awesome! I always love any statistics and tools to help analyze something. If I'm reading the output correctly, I more or less agree with what it's saying.