

Cost: 1.

히어로 반응(저지): 당신이 형태를 변신한 후, 음모 하나에서 위협을 3만큼 제거합니다(이 카드에 자원을 지불했다면 대신 위협을 4만큼 제거합니다).

"이걸로 교훈을 얻었으면 좋겠군!" - Captain America
Ant-Man(앤트맨) #31.
강압적 대화

This card is simply For Justice! that costs one less and only works when you switch into hero form. So the relative usefulness of this card depends on how often you switch forms. For ordinary characters with one hero form, you can only use this if you draw it while in alter ego form, rarely more than 50% of the time and usually less, so you want to give this to a character who loves their alter ego form and switches to it constantly.

cnalexander · 144
It'll also now work for other form changers like Kitty, Vision and Spectrum's mass form changes — cbergle · 1
Also Ant-Man, Wasp and Angel. — nerman8r · 6