Spider-Woman: Across the Spy-der-verse

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

adsarf · 447

Deck concept

Breaking and Entering is a weaker version of For Justice! but it has the powerful benefit that you can play it either in hero or alter ego form. Because I love decks that flip constantly between forms, I wanted to try this card with Spider-Woman. After some evolution, this is the version I came up with.

Card choices

The web-warrior allies are really strong when combined with Web of Life and Destiny, and they also allowed me to work the pun in the deck title, so they were easy choices. Make the Call lets me get Spider-Man into play without the requirement, bypass the need to be a web-warrior before I have Warrior of the Great Web down, and count an ally towards Superhuman Agility, so an obvious pairing with these mostly grey allies. As I aim to flip a lot, Leadership Training lets me recycle Pheromones for maximum effect. Med Lab is my other key blue card. It isn't suitable for all the allies, but it helps to afford Captain Marvel and also works well with Spider-Man because of his great enters-play effect.

I experimented with Global Logistics, because that's always such a great card, but in the end this is a solo deck and it needed the card draw more so One Way or Another took its place. Spycraft was considered, but went the same way.

I rarely find myself using the double resource cards with Spider-Woman any more. Once Finesse is down they can provide limited value. Often I substitute with Assess the Situation, but in this case I already had a bunch of grey cards, so ti seemed better just to do without completely.

Playing the deck

This deck is designed to be played with fairly constant flipping between hero and alter ego forms. Spider-Woman can take most of the damage the villain and minions dish out, as not all of the allies here are great chump blockers. The flexibility of Breaking and Entering shines when you can flip down to play it with a resource drawn from Jessica Drew's Apartment, or flip up to play it with Finesse depending what else is in your hand.

One Way or Another is essential for early acceleration, but once Web of Life and Destiny is in play then the card draw in this deck is pretty strong. There are also a good number of readies letting you get the most out of your attack when boosted by Warrior of the Great Web.

How to lose with this deck

Spider-Woman always loses more easily against Steady and Stalwart villains, because the value of Pheromones drops away.


For a deck built around a dodgy card and a worse pun, I think this does OK.