"We. Are. Rogue." | Go All Out + Symbiote Suit

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

esquiloclasta · 134


  • Symbiote Suit is extremely risky and whether or not you include it depends on your playstyle, honestly. I mostly play Expert and prefer some tension in my games, so I don't mind having it stick around. With Symbiote Suit + Rogue's Jacket + R&D Facility you can do 12 damage with a single Go All Out. Add to that the fact that you have +10 hit points and a lot of allies to block with, the extra encounter cards end up feeling harmless... unless you get caught in some Surge-fest, obviously.

  • Important advice, though: do not play Symbiote Suit during your first deck pass unless your board is stable. Playing it on turn 1 is inviting certain death. I'll usually play it on a second pass once I have my economy established, R&D Facility, Rogue's Jacket and 1 or 2 allies.

  • In the right shell, and this is one of them, Earth's Mightiest Heroes is a ton of value and just about one of the best things you can do with your allies besides Strength In Numbers. You can exhaust a cheap friend like Stinger and use your basic hero powers after a Go All Out (or play another one if you have it in hand, ofc).

  • Rogue's Jacket is one of the stars of this show. This card is nuts, it's just so much value for 2ER! It will make Go All Out even sillier.

  • R&D Facility is a staple in this archetype for a reason. We're only playing a copy so we can play as many Avengers as possible, but you can run more if you want. The requirement can be annoying, but you have plenty of printed Mental resources here and The X-Jet to help. In a similar fashion, you shouldn't worry too much about the Energy requirement on Go All Out.

  • Not including Push Ahead because Rogue doesn't struggle much with threat thanks to Goin' Rogue and her jacket.

  • Allies are up to your taste, just make sure you got enough Avengers. Black Panther or Hawkeye are particularly solid, though expensive. Don't forget you need Touched on another Avenger before you can play Stinger.


Don't mind Rogue, she's just beating up Earth's Mightiest Heroes.