On first glance, this card is not great. 2 for 3 threat is pretty ehhh for a Superpower thwart action, really needing you to be Aerial to make it a 2 for 5, which then makes it okay. But the secret tech for this card is if you run Rogue under the Protection Aspect you can run Dauntless , allowing Rogue to get Retaliate outside of Touched. This means that if you run Dauntless with Touched attached to an Ally card, you can have both AERIAL and Retaliate at the same time - making this become a 2 cost card that removes 5 threat AND Confuses an enemy, and that's pretty good!
Superpower. Thwart.
Cost: 2.
Hero Action (thwart): Remove 3 threat from a scheme. If Rogue has:
• AERIAL, remove 2 additional threat.
• Retaliate, confuse an enemy.
• Stalwart, draw 1 card.
S. Buonfantino & J. Mena Guerrero
Rogue #5. Rogue #4-6.

You point out a cool interaction with dauntless! I still think even without it the card is pretty strong, because using "touch" is free and touching an ally is rather easy (just pack 10 allies in your deck and never run out of it). In fact several older heroes would probably be jealous (thinking about Captain Marvel's Crisis interdiction or, even worse, Hulk's Suborbital Leap... By THOSE standards, Goin' Rogue is an exemple of power creep!).
· 11037
Well you can even go one step further in a multiplayer game with Storm. Thanks to her weather deck Storm can also give you retaliate 1 if you don't have dauntless but also she can give you stalwart which would let you draw a card in addition
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