Iron Man Energises Yondu's Leadership

Card draw simulator

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Derived from
Iron Man 'Justice' to the Power of 3 by Methos 1 2 0 1.0
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Methos · 340

"In a world this vulnerable, we need something more powerful than any of us." Iron Man: Avengers: Age of Ultron

Iron Man has always been one of my favourite decks to play.

This deck is built around Iron Man's Repulsor Blast and Supersonic Punch and around "...something more powerful than any of us" - Yondu.

With Quincarrier you will always have the required resource to gain the Aerial trait. Pepper Potts and Helicarrier will allow you to play Supersonic Punch and deal 8 to an enemy. Deft Focus will allow you to play Repulsor Blast for free, and more often than not, I am hitting for 9 damage with this card. This way your attack events are taken care of.

In case you really need to remove Treat, if needed, you can sacrifice your areal for one round and use Quincarrier to play Push Ahead, as it requires resource to be played. In my experience with the deck, I had to do this very rarely. More often than not, Push Ahead was contributing towards my Repulsor Blast, or it was used as a resource to get an Ally out.

Speaking of Allies:

We have the usual suspects in the line like Hawkeye, whose vigilance will make any minion regret stepping on the board. Kaluu, helping you get your hands on more copies of Repulsor Blast and Supersonic Punch. Stinger, doesn't care about the Allies limit and she is always happy to take a punch for you and is essentially free to get out when combined with Avengers Tower. White Tiger will provide you with more cards in your hand so it pays for herself every time you play her and she has decent stats. And Yondu and War Machine where War Machine is really just a wild resource in this deck. Whenever possible I use it to gain the Aerial trait, instead of Quincarrier.

Yondu is the interesting one in this deck. He is the only Ally without the AVENGER trait, but in this deck, Yondu is an Honorary Avenger. This way he can take advantage of the Mighty Avengers boost of +1 ATK. Of Power Gloves which will deal one additional damage to an enemy every phase Yondu attacks. Of Sky Cycle which will allow Yondu to attack twice every phase. And on top of that, Inspired, Laser Blaster and Sidearm will provide additional +1 ATK each and Overkill. Combine this with Yondu being the only Leadership Ally who takes no consequential damage when he attacks and the fact that he has Ranged, makes Yondu a power no Villain wants to deal with.

Let's break it down

Yondu has 1 base ATK. Adding the Support and Upgrade cards +4 ATK in total makes 5 base ATK. Sky Cycle will allow you to do this attack twice, and each time you perform an attack, with Power Gloves you will deal 1 damage to an enemy. This is a total of 12 damage per phase from Yondu only. Combine this with one Repulsor Blast and one Supersonic Punch, plus another Ally or two, and you have dealt 30+ damage.

The deck is very fun and easy to execute, and it can deal with any villain.

Side note

Always make sure you have at least one more Ally on the board together with Yondu, as some minions and treachery cards will force you to defend with an Ally. And Yondu is not one to defend with.


Following advice from the comments, Lead from the Front is a great replacement for Push Ahead.


Dec 30, 2022 TonyStark · 47

Push Ahead is terrible here. Iron Man can already Thwart for 2, so you're paying 3 for 2 THW (adding ATK and DEF). I would try Lead from the Front or Avengers Assemble (or some combination of both) which also have the energy resource. Both will get more use out of the Allies, especially Yondu since he can become an Avenger and ready with Sky Cycle. And if you're Thwarting with Iron Man, then the +1 THW and a ready from Arc Reactor (plus another from AA) are doing the same if not more work than Push Ahead (plus you can split those Thwarts between multiple targets, which PA can't).

Dec 30, 2022 Methos · 340

@TonyStark this sounds like a fair amendment. In all honesty, Push Ahead is mainly resource card and is used only when the scheme is going out of control as I play Solo. Lead from the Front actually sounds like a great substitute here. Thanks.

Jan 04, 2023 TonyStark · 47

Sounds good! Leadership is probably my least played aspect with Iron Man, but I do like the look of this. Maybe I'll be able to give something similar a try soon.