Symbiote of the Spider-Verse

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

journeyman2 · 24001

This is part of "Journeyman's Guide to the Multi-Verse Series," a descendant of Spider-Verse Swarm. A general outline can be found at this post.

Clarity of Purpose doubles up Venom’s hero ability to guarantee the kickers on all of his events. The event tutors will be getting us Behind Enemy Lines for easy access to alter-ego or Grasping Tendrils to cancel and stun.

Spider-Man readies Multi-Gun for two uses of Venom's signature card. He can also ready Clarity of Purpose to just about guarantee two events per turn.

Regroup is our preferred recursion card to loop Spider-Man with. Combined with Grasping Tendrils we will be mitigating all encounter damage, saving all of our health as a resource.

Major Victory is a flex spot. I like him as another layer of defense, we can defend with Venom, then defend another attack with Major Victory to ready Venom. Then either defend again or use our basic power in the hero phase. This is great for multiplayer, or on turns we draw multiple villain attacks thanks to getting 2 or 3 encounter cards per turn.

Innovation heals Gamora to keep the train rolling. Rocket Raccoon is a great value ally.

Between Avengers Mansion, Knowhere, Web of Life and Destiny, Spider-Sense, Project Rebirth 2.0, Regroup, Symbiote Suit, and our allies; most turns we will have 10-12 cards in hand, if not more. We can pretty much cycle every turn and select what we want in our hand, turning the game into a solved puzzle.


Jul 29, 2022 Papaporio · 34

Pero,¿Venom no es guerrero araña no? ¿ No puedes utilizar esas cartas, verdad?

Jul 29, 2022 journeyman2 · 24001

Hi @Papaporio,

The Web-Warrior characters only requiring have a WW card in play to be able to play them. By play Web of Life and Destiny we meet that condition.

Alternately, they can be put into play using Make the Call. “Put into play” is its own mechanic in Marvel Champions.

Put into Play: “ Some abilities cause cards to be put into play. This bypasses the need to pay the card’s cost as well as any restrictions or prohibitions regarding playing that card”

This is part of a series I did to spotlight how effective the WW allies, particularly Ghost-Spider and Spider-Man, can be effective in non-WW heroes. Check out the linked post for more information!

Jul 29, 2022 Papaporio · 34

No tenía ni idea, lo miro seguro! Me has abierto un mundo nuevo, gracias!

Jul 29, 2022 journeyman2 · 24001

@Papaporio De Nada!!

Nov 09, 2022 kixxurazz · 1

@journeyman2 Your misinterpreting the rule. The put into play rule specifically states that you are putting a card into play without paying its cost. Make the call is only letting you play things from someone else's discard and paying the cost for them. You are actually playing it like it was from your hand, thus all the restrictions apply.

Dec 19, 2022 sageleader · 1

@kixxurazz That is incorrect. Put into play specifically bypasses any play restrictions like on Spider-Man (Otto).

Dec 19, 2022 kixxurazz · 1

@sageleader Hey Sage. If thats true what does this mean from the put into play rules? Unless otherwise stated by the “put into play” effect, cards that are put into play must do so in a play area or state that matches the rules of playing the card.

Dec 19, 2022 journeyman2 · 24001

@kixxurazz This is a common misconception that comes up in my decks all the time. Let me help:

“Put into play:

This bypasses the need to pay the card’s costs as well as any restrictions or prohibitions regarding playing that card. A card that is put into play is not considered to have been played”

The clause you’re quoting only details that you must put the card in the same location as where it would be played if you had played it normally. Play (or reveal for encounter cards) is mechanically different than being put into play in Marvel Champions! Cards that put things into play bypass play restrictions.

This is why we can use Ghost Spider and Gamora to great effect in non-Web Warrior or Guardian heroes!