Spider-Man - Warriors and Champions for Justice!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Spider-Man - Warriors and Champions for Justice! Multiplayer 0 0 0 1.0

neothechosen · 10666

With the new releases of Nova and Ironheart, Miles has become a hero capable of leading the Champions and the Web warriors. This is a pretty cool team- up!

With this deck you want to use the stuns, confuses and toughs to the fullest and draw, draw, draw to keep going with your best cards. So far it's been really powerful and the villain struggles to get a single hit to my face (of course stalwart Thanos is going to be another story but it should hold down most villains pretty nicely).


Spider Miles has two strong powers: the Venom Blast and the Spider Camouflage, which makes it easy to control the villain and avoid damage. To achieve this, you'll need to use Swing In / Web-Shot and / or Power Within / Defense Mechanism, but it can only get you so far.

That's why you need to draw and cycle your deck faster, hence the number of draw options: Clear the Area, Avengers Mansion, Ganke Lee, Champions Mobile Bunker, Moon Girl, Ironheart and One Way or Another.

So you cycle your deck faster, see your key cards more, play more Across the Spider-Verse... it is really a fun play.

Revert to AE with a confused villain to benefit from Jefferson Davis and Ganke Lee to the fullest, but also to re-shuffle a spider miles card into your deck and get even more venom / camouflage going on.

Web Warriors and Champions

Your web-warrior allies also help you achieve a lot, especially Spider-Man. He's the main reason the play Across the Spider-Verse to get more and more free activations. Ghost-Spider is also pretty cool and helps you get extra venom and camouflage by fetching you Swing In or Web-Shot.

Champion allies help with the drawing / blocking when needed. Snowguard is quite versatile and so you can have her fit any situation, while Vivian has a situational but sometimes really helpful ability.

Other stuff

I choose Heroic Intuition because if I'm going to put more schemes in play (One Way or Another, I like being able to clear it with a single activation, and Under Surveillance because it's just become a must-have in solo. That being said, I never felt like the situation was slipping from my hands and threaths were becoming problematic. Sense of Justice helps with the required for Swing In to trigger "camouflage". Plus, it pays in full for Clear the Area, which gives you another card most of the time... too good to pass up! Last, Team-Building Exercise to cut down the price of those allies (plus, if you put Wasp, Ironheart and Snowguard and check the art on TBE... couldn't pass this up!)

All in all pretty fun!