Readying Spider-Woman to Go All Out

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Smoothjedi · 1

Welcome, this is my first published deck after being a lurker and using a lot of other people's ideas through the years.

This deck is based around trying to get the most out of Go All Out! Although I've seen a couple other similar ideas in other aspects, this one is going to be paired with Protection. Why protection you may ask? Well the most important reason, as you may have guessed from the title, is that Protection has the most ways to ready out of all the aspects. Being ready is important because otherwise you can't exhaust to use the card! On top of this, with a high stat character such as this, readying multiple times in a round can make for some really impactful turns, even if you aren't able to use the signature card of the theme.

However, a big flaw of a lot of protection decks for this kind of concept is that most of your cards get played on the villain phase when defending against attacks. However, optimally we need to be playing them before we start activating in the Hero phase for maximum impact. Therefore, instead of the typical event based defense deck, we're going to instead be defending traditionally with a high defense stat, and then readying either immediately with Indomitable, or on your turn with Self-Propelled Glide and What Doesn't Kill Me. There are seven cards in the deck to help you ready up!

I'll go through some of the important aspects of the deck and the cards I picked:

  • Leading blow is heavily used in the deck due to it being a cheap way to increase your stats on your turn, and has some synergy with your alter-ego ability, allowing you to determine whether it's worth using or burning as a resource. When used alongside your Morale Boosts and R&D Facility, it will most likely net you another activation to either attack again, Go All Out, or even get a decent thwart.
  • Kaluu and Brother Voodoo are included to help tutor some events into your hand. Similarly, Maria Hill is also a boon to help get through your deck.
  • The Power of Leadership could be a controversial add, but a lot of the blue cards in this deck cost two or more resources, and several of them require specific combos of printed resources. I have found having one in the deck helps a lot to get those on the table when needed, especially if you happen to get a couple of them in your hand and Finesse just isn't enough. Quincarrier was also added to help meet these requirements.
  • Symbiote Suit is a great card for this type of deck as +1 to all stats really helps Go All Out, but I'd probably recommend it as a late game play.
  • Contaminant Immunity and What Doesn't Kill Me are able to keep you healthy, and gives you some leeway to take some hits if you don't want to exhaust to defend.
  • Leadership Training is great to get some cards back, especially the powerful Pheromones or your Go All Outs.
  • Something I've noticed with this deck is it can be shut down pretty hard by stun cards, so I've added The Night Nurse to help with this.

I feel I've already written a book here, so if you have any questions let me know in the comments and I'll try to address them. Thanks for checking out the deck!


May 24, 2022 dr00 · 40057

Spider-Woman seems like such a great fit for so many of the great cards in this wave, and i really love how Riri has helped it. what do you think about Push Ahead?

May 24, 2022 Smoothjedi · 1

@dr00 On paper I thought it was a great card. However, there are some downsides, especially in this deck. First of all it's a little expensive, and the cost curve for blue is already a little high here. Second, since you can't split up the thwart, and you can typically have 3/3/4 or more on your turn with Armored Vest, that ends up being 10+ thwart. Unless you're playing three players or more, it really seems like overkill for most situations. That being said, I've always believed if you're not overkilling, you're underkilling, so there's definitely some potential there. If you're on a team with no justice player, or maybe a side scheme heavy deck, I think this could be a solid add and maybe replace one or more of the Go All Outs.