Suit-centric Iron Man

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RolandWright · 2610


  • This deck is of course, largely outdated. It's fine if you only own the Core Set; but, with some of the first few Hero Packs, Iron Man is dramatically stronger with Protection instead of Aggression.

This deck is designed to capitalize on Iron Man's suit-mechanics while supporting the flaws that come with it.

Namely; Iron Man's suit can take a while to come online (heart of the cards). This typically means that the player is stuck as Tony Stark until 4 or 5 Tech Upgrades hit the board. As a result; it's very difficult to remove threat and defeat minions for a few rounds.

To compensate for the early reliance on Alter-Ego mode a player should focus on keeping Allies out as their primary way of thwarting and defeating minions. In a pinch, you can flip to Iron Man for additional Thwart, and have an ally defend for you - before switching back to Alter-Ego on the following turn.

The other "weakness" to Iron Man is his suits reliance on Energy and Mental resources. To play around this - we want to ensure that the deck has a lot of these two resources to hit. Repulsor Blast of course needs to randomly hit into energy resources - which on average in this deck seems to be about 3/5 (For a total of 7 damage, which is pretty good!)

More important than energy resources, is his Rocket Boots reliance on mental resources. Once your suit is partially or fully built - you'll likely need to remain in Iron Man form for the remainder of the game. Subsequently, this means having a constant stream of mental resources to activate your Rocket Boots which in turn makes your upgrades (namely Powered Gauntlets) more powerful. Chase Them Down, which is a great emergency card to remove threat with - since it synergizes with your Powered Gauntlets and other various attack cards; is a mental resource. An extra copy of Avengers Mansion also serves as an extra mental resource. In some cases, you may even need to use Nick Fury and Tigra as mental resources as well (Iron Man relies on Allies less once his suit is completed).


  • Group: Expert Rhino, Expert Klaw, Expert Rhino
  • Solo: Expert Rhino, Expert Ultron


  • Expert Klaw is exceptionally difficult for a Solo Iron Man as of the Core Set. Leadership might have better results in that regard.
  • This build is great at soloing the Hydra and Modok encounter sets - due to the high burst damage that Repulsor Blast can achieve combined with the aggressive elements.
  • This build is near-unbeatable in group settings since your allies can cover for you while building your suit.
  • In general, Iron Man can deal 20+ damage in one-turn once his suit is complete; this is thanks to the high damage that Repulsor Blast can deal, combined with additional damage from cards like Tac Team and Uppercut.