Wasp SCL S10R1 - "Vigilante Justice"

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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DoxaLogos · 229

Solo Champions Season 10 Round 1

Encounter is Green Goblin Risky Business with A Mess of Things. Standard 1 or 2.

Trimmed this down some more. Counter Intelligence wasn't getting used and was not needed. Dropped Swarm Tactics because it usually doesn't fire.

The strategy is to recur One Way or Another and Nick Fury with her AE ability along with Genius as well.

One Way or Another is an easy card for this scenario, because all the side schemes are very low threat (mostly 2) and easy to defeat with the cards you draw up.

I realized I need Crew Quarters just for when I've done an attack or thwart then flip to Alter Ego.

Turn the Tide and Pivotal Moment are there to burn the villain down quicker, since threat is easy to manage in this scenario.

Took out Wiccan and replaced him with Venom. This scenario doesn't have many boost icons, so Wiccan would fizzle. Venom can work in this scenario because of how easy it is to get the threat cleared. Also, he makes a good damage sponge on GG's indirect damage.

Agent Coulson is to help control threat and retrieve Spycraft to protect against Shadow of the Past.

Target Acquired is to help control the infamy counter/madness counter issues with Risky Business.

Heroic Intuition is so Wasp can control threat in Tiny form and fuel Turn the Tide triggers.

Multitasking is to help with threat control when pulling side schemes with One Way or Another and still getting threat removed on other schemes such as the main scheme.

Sonic Rifle is to help slow down GG from removing madness counters or stop Norman Osborne from scheming.

Go to combo with One Way or Another is to hit the side scheme with Clear the Area paid by Pym Particles while in "Tiny" form and Skilled Investigator to draw another 3 cards! If you draw Turn the Tide during that combo, you can put the whammy on the villain or a guard minion with it and ping damage the villain with Wasp's "Tiny" ability (plus another ping damage if you defeat a minion).