Captain Marvel Power Surge

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

smess · 41

The point of this deck is to load with as many as possible and to thin the deck as much as possible. The only optional cards included that are not energy resources are Avengers Mansion, Helicarrier, and the resources. The idea is to use Captain Marvel's inherent card draw to be getting Photonic Blast/Energy Channel/Haymaker as much as possible, and then use Captain Marvel's inherent thwart (boosted by Heroic Intuition) to deal with the threat. Ideally a multiplayer deck to get more side schemes for Followed and to get the Heroic Intuitions out of the deck. In solo, a Heroic Intuition could be subbed out for an extra Mansion or Helicarrier, or for an ally like Mockingbird, to protect Captain Marvel as she builds up.

This deck took 2/3 one-handed solo versus expert Klaw with Masters of Evil, and the first loss was a bit of bad luck with several chained attacks from Klaw. Under Surveillance was the all star in solo.