Dance-Off in Space!!! Star-Lord + Iron Man = Leadership

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
StarLord Vultron deck 0 0 0 1.0
Dance-Off in Space!!! 2 0 0 0 1.0
Star-Lord + Iron Man = Leadership 0 0 0 1.0

TrashPanda · 1278

"Okay, I'm Gonna Get A Bowflex. I'm Gonna Commit. I'm Gonna Get Some Dumbbells!"

The Guardians are here and Star-Lord means business. Our beloved cocky boy Peter Quill did not show up to this battle without his team of back-up dancers. This deck is centered on beefing up our allies and still doing tons of thwarting or damage with Star-lord and his Element Guns, Sliding Shots, and 'Dancing With The Stars'-Winning Gutsy Moves.

"I Look Around And You Know What I See?... Losers"

The allies in order of importance in this deck build are Iron Man, Groot, Yondu, Rocket Raccoon, and Nova Prime. You kind of want to keep the core 3 allies alive, as long as you can. I'm going to go over final desired builds for each ally and their final stat-lines including an extra health point for Team Training in play.


THW: 5

ATK: 3

Health: 7

Key Upgrades: Inspired, Comms Implant, Reinforced Suit, Leader of the Guardians (from Star-Lord).

Iron Man is crucial to play because he receives all of the ally upgrades in this deck for free. You want to keep him alive with First Aids and if anyone is playing Med Team in your multiplayer game. Iron Man will be responsible for thwarting, as he should be buffed with Inspired, Comms Implant, and Leader of the Guardians to 5 total Thwart. Since Iron Man is the bread and butter of this deck, cards 41 and 42 can be Power Gloves and Sky Cycle depending on how late you want the game to go, since no other ally can utilize these.


THW: 2

ATK: 2

Health: 10

Key Upgrades: Reinforced Suit, Comms Implant.

Groot is next important because he will be your main defender, and he will only be used as a trusty shield. I am Groot. (He knows that his job is the most important on the team.) Groot will need as much HP as possible with Reinforced Suit, and Comms Implant. And when you need to heal damage off of him in tight situations, give him tough with a Ready for Action so that he can just heal back health slowly after defending with tough for no damage.


THW: 3

ATK: 3

Health: 3

Key Upgrades: Inspired, Laser Blaster.

No consequential damage for attacks, on top of being a ranged character. Need I say more? Keep Yondu on the field to whittle down the villain, Without ever needing to heal him. Laser Blaster on him allows him to overkill minions as well.


THW: 2

ATK: 5 (*with overkill, if attacking a minion)

Health: 4

Key Upgrades: Inspired

Rocket Raccoon is here as a minion destroyer. He is already equipped with overkill so he only needs to be Inspired to help buff up his stats. He's good for minion heavy scenarios and can be defeated for Nova Prime to come into play, or vice versa.


THW: 3

ATK: 4

Health: 4

Key Upgrades: Inspired.

Nova Prime is in Star-lord's core hero set so he has to be included. He has a good one time ability, but his drawback is that he is pretty costly. I recommend rotating him out with Rocket Raccoon to make use of his ability more should you need to.

"It's Showtime A-Holes"

Some of the other cards in this deck are more self explanatory. Knowhere is needed so we can hold 4 allies at once. C.I.T.T. to ready any of our allies or Star-Lord. Team Training and Ready for Action so all of allies can survive extra hits. Once we've got a good set-up going, Strength In Numbers will give us tons of draw power so that we can get our First Aids or Star-lord's damage dealing/ or thwarting cards. It also helps to use it if we don't wont to take any consequential damage at the moment on any of our allies. You also don't mind going through your deck often, because Star-lord combos with extra encounter cards in front of him.

"What Should We Do Next? Something Good, Something Bad? Bit Of Both?"

This is the way I like to play my leadership decks - using my allies as semi-permanent teammates and trying as hard as I can to keep them from being defeated. Well now that you know the mightiest dance team in all of the galaxy... -> dance-off, bro. Me and you! I hope you enjoy playing this deck. Please let me know if you do, or if you have any comments and suggestions I would be glad to hear them.


May 14, 2021 grenyay · 174

Love it! Great build, looks interesting and can't wait to try it!

May 14, 2021 TrashPanda · 1278

@grenyayThank you! Let's kick some Ronan bootay!!

May 16, 2021 Siris101 · 18

This one looks really interesting and fun! Going to build it and play against Ultron today!

May 16, 2021 TrashPanda · 1278

@Siris101 Thank you! Yasss. Iron man with Power Gloves and Sky Cycle might be useful vs Ultron and his drones!

Jun 02, 2021 Descott24 · 1

Deck was fun to play. Struggled a bit at first as my allies were near the bottom and my attachments near the top of my deck. It also didnt help my wife plays as iron man so i added ronan as replacement ally. Loved groot with 10 health, he survived almost the entire game. Encounter cards kicked my butt but managed a win. Thanks for the deck.

Jun 03, 2021 TrashPanda · 1278

@Descott24I'm glad you enjoyed playing it! Yeah, Groot for defending with high health is awesome! Encounter cards are rough! It's definitely a hard decision to decide when to use Star-Lord's ability. When I play this deck, sometimes I don't even get to play my first element gun, and use it as a resource instead! Happy playing!!

Feb 24, 2022 @ssemble616 · 1

@TrashPanda The deck looks great, but how do you get Iron Man the "guardian" trait? Should you need a copy of Honorary Guardian in there?

Mar 09, 2022 Incredibul · 3366

@ssemble616 Star-Lord gives all allies the Guardian trait.

Mar 09, 2022 @ssemble616 · 1

I stand corrected, thanks!