Thor - Aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DarthColejoy · 72

First test of a Thor Aggression deck. Removed some of the more expensive cards even tho I know people have them in their decks. I feel like this deck needs to be more streamlined. Have removed some of the 3 cost aggression as well. I’ve retained Nick Fury as he can deal with threat or can give you extra card draw.


removed a lot of the focus on minions and instead have looked to make Thor an absolute beefcake. the plan is to get Mjolnir and Combat Training training on him early. make his ATK 4. then use cards like Battle Fury and Mean Swing to get extra damage or attacks.

still have Chase Them Down and Get Over Here! for minions and trigger his extra cards. also have include good allies Tigra and Valkyrie to be able to deal with extra minions and there is Hulk for board damage and Nick Fury for thwarting, blocking and card redraw.