Iron Man - Grey and Green Cards?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

L3w15 7 · 11173

Iron Man protection is an excellent fit for several reasons - chiefly the extra tech upgrades, and also the abundance of resources.

Tech Upgrades: Energy Barrier is an already very powerful card that also acts as a The Sorcerer Supreme in an iron man deck. Electrostatic Armor is worth including also as a cheap tech upgrade to get out in the early game. Beyond that both of these cards also allow Stark Tower to reliably have a target in the mid-late game to add back and dump as a resource.

Allies: Despite having arguably the most powerful final board in the game with several cards to boost his hp, iron man actually lacks many ways to defend himself. The large ally package gives him several ways to stun/block to take very little damage from the villain. Med Team also gives him ways to heal should he need to, as well as having strong synergy with the large number of allies anyway.

Neutral Package with Protection: With the advent of the Wasp pack a neutral package is now possible thanks to The Power in All of Us. Protection as an aspect really benefits from the extra allies that this allows you to play, particularly because cards like Med Team naturally synergise with allies. Protection also struggles with ways to thwart since most of the protection allies have poor thwart values. Having access to burst thwart from Spider-Man or Nick Fury is very nice. The real star though is Lockjaw who singlehandedly makes The Power in All of Us almost never a dead draw.

Neutral Package with Iron Man The option of extra thwarting allies is very important to iron man who is in dire need of ways to thwart. More importantly, because Iron Man has such a poor defence stat he is unable to utilise a lot of the strong protection cards. This means he has plenty of room for a sizeable neutral package. The Power in All of Us has more synergy with iron man's core kit than you might assume at a glance. Thanks to combinations involving futurist and Pepper Potts it is very possible to take advantage of the double resource that all 7 of your resource cards provide.

Weaknesses of the deck This deck was originally designed for multiplayer - but it still works fine in solo. In solo Quincarrier could be added, and Electrostatic Armor could be cut to 1. In solo the main disadvantage is of course that iron man is slow and struggles to thwart. However, the large number of tech upgrades in the deck should ensure that you should be getting 2-3 upgrades out on each of your first two turns. This means you can expect to have at least a 5 card hand when ending your second turn, at which point you should be in hero form. In multiplayer you might be able to afford to set up for longer.

There is a very high cost curve in this deck, with many of the allies costing 4. This is largely a result of the 4 cost allies offered by protection/neutral being VERY powerful. So far the high resource count has made this not an issue, but it is possible it changes in the future.


Feb 02, 2021 TonyStark · 47

"Thanks to combinations involving futurist and Pepper Potts it is very possible to take advantage of the double resource that all 7 of your resource cards provide."

FYI Pepper does not combo with "Power of" resources for double resources. From the FAQ:

"Q: Will Pepper Potts generate 2 resources if a “The Power of [Aspect]” resource card (such as The Power of Aggression) is on top of the discard pile?

A: No. Though the resources that Pepper Potts generates are equal in quantity and type to the resources of the top card of the discard pile, Pepper Potts is the card that is generating these resources. This means that a The Power of [Aspect] card never generates resources itself, having no opportunity to generate additional resources for a card of its specified aspect."

Feb 02, 2021 L3w15 7 · 11173

@TonyStark Ouch, I've been playing that wrong for a long time. Thanks for letting me know. That's really unfortunate.

Feb 10, 2021 Dr. Lucky · 131

This looks a lot like an Iron Man Protection I've played in the past, though I haven't revisited it since Wasp released. I never could quite get to a place where I felt like it was reliable enough in solo play, but maybe the addition of The Power in All of Us and Wasp's neutral allies will get it over the finish line. I'm excited to give the idea another shot.